Questions tagged [bandwidth-control]

134 questions
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Controlling bandwidth on a Windows 2003 VPS server

We were dinged recently by our ISP when our server briefly saturated their line. Apparently they don't like bursty traffic. Who knew? Like many low cost hosts, they specify limits in terms of total monthly bandwidth, but they also 'reserve the…
Adam Davis
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Reserve bandwidth for system (CentOs 7)

There are CentOs 7 server used like video file server. Users download video files from there. Download speed are limited. But 1 time per day server becomes unreachable and unpingable, Only reboot helps. So, is there a way to reserve guaranteed…
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How can I limit bandwidth on a public network?

Our workplace has a public network where people often connect with their personal laptops. A sizeable number of users are torrenting which is killing bandwidth for the rest of the network's users. At this time, a policy solution of 'no torrenting'…
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Downloading a file chokes the entire network, can't browse etc

(I had a look at this post here: Downloading a file brings network to a crawl But it doesn't provide any answers for my situation,) We have dedicated enterprise fibre lines with bandwidth at 2MB/s. If one user watches a video, or downloads a file,…
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How can I limit server bandwidth per IP

I would like to limit the download speed of my .mkv and my .mp4 files My page have got 1000-3000 visitor per day I would like to give 200KiB/s / per ip. Is there any easy installable apache module? Or can I limit only download fibers? ... Download…
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Prevent internet from being monopolized by one user

In our company, there is a training room which contains 15 computers. Our employees (or external individuals) can follow a training there using these computers. However, we want to prevent the internet from being monopolized by one user. We use a…
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Huge Outgoing traffic on windwos azure

I have a vm on Windows Azure running centos6 as dev node, and have recently experiencing a huge increase in outgoing traffic. VM was stopped and after started by 1 day it shows 236.63 GB on outgoing traffic, server not running any applications, only…
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Drastic increase in outgoing bandwidth

My Outgoing Bandwidth has increased dramatically over last 6 months. Our setup is Windows web-server and MSSQL Database server. To give you an example the outgoing bandwidth of my web-server in September was 485.702 GB but now in April it was…
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First web server questions

Just looking for some help/suggestions with this. I require my own server for an upcoming project that will be hosting users websites. I want to build a control panel the user can log into and modify their website which will be stored elsewhere on…
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ethtool error for limiting interface speed

i am limiting my bandwidth using ethtool and i used this command: sudo ethtool -s eth2 speed 500 But i got error message: Cannot advertise speed 500 i tried adding duplex half duplex full autoneg off …
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Leased Line bandwidth distribution among users

Say that i purchase a 4 Mb leased line (Radio wave), and also i have around 50-75 users using the connection. What will the speed will each user get ? Will the 4MB be divided among all 75 users or will all users receive the same speed throughout the…
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Firewall software compatible for switch

We have "300 Series Managed Cissco Switche" Now, I want something like which can work with this switch as UI with firewall etc. Could it be possible and if so how? Else can somebody tell me how in small business, I can control…
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Would a VPN allow me to get around the monthly data cap set by my ISP?

My total data allowed without being charged extra is 50gb during 8am-12am and unlimited overnight from 12am-8am. I have to watch how much HD streaming I do and mass downloading because of this. Thanks for any answers!
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Bandwidth and RAM for our VDS

We are planning give an iframe from our server to the site which daily visitor 500k. What do you think about how much do we need system resource such as bandwidth and RAM. Thanks
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