Questions tagged [bandwidth-control]

134 questions
2 answers

Squid Proxy Server: limit total bandwidth

We have a marvellous squid proxy with dansguardian for filetering and they both work just great. Is there any easy way to limit the total bandwidth usage? I'd like to set the max amount of squid users internet use to 1200 since our total band is…
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How to limit connection speed

I am on CentOS 6.4 and am using Plesk v11.5.30 although this doesn't necessarily need to be done via plesk. I am looking to limit the connection speed to a specific website. However the only options Plesk gives me are "Maximum bandwidth usage" and…
John Mellor
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Limiting bandwidth on internal interface on Linux gateway

I am responsible for a Linux-based (it runs Debian) branch office router that takes a single high-speed Internet connection (eth2) and turns it into about 20 internal networks, each with a seperate subnet ( to and a…
Jack Scott
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3 answers

How to limit bandwidth speed from a router for a devices on a network?

How to limit bandwidth speed from a router for a devices on a network ? There are several devices accessing the internet thru a wireless network. I cannot change settings directly on the client-computers, but can have full access to the router.…
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measuring bandwidth per-user used by ssh server-side connections on linux

I'd like to be able to measure the bandwidth used by each user by their inbound ssh connections, into a linux box. I measure most other traffic using iptables and user-matching, but inbound ssh sockets seem to be owned by root, so I can't use that…
Ben Clifford
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3 answers

Linux daily, weekly and monthly network usage

How one could monitor and keep logs of daily, weekly and monthly bandwidth usage of Linux servers? This is important for cheap VPS solutions where they have monthly caps in bandwidth. Preferable some lightweight command-line tool just for this…
Mikko Ohtamaa
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Monitor bandwidth per-process

This has been driving me nuts but my server has been using a highly excessive amount of bandwidth for the last two months, and I can't figure out how/why/where. This month, for example, it's used 210 Gb download traffic (inbound to the server), but…
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HTB.init / tc behind NAT

I have an Ubuntu 10 box that I'm trying to set up as a bandwidth-shaping router. The machine has one WAN interface, eth0 and two LAN interfaces, eth1 and eth2. NAT is configured using MASQUERADE as described at InternetConnectionSharing. I'm mostly…
Ben K.
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0 answers

How to configure per IP bandwidth control using TC?

Requirements: There is an arbitrary number of users per group. Bandwidth for any particular group is 1000kbps. Bandwidth for each user in a group is 70 kbps. At any time no user should not consume bandwidth more than 70kbps. I am using tc & iptables…
1 answer

Baidu Spider causing 3Gb of traffic a day - but I do business in China

I'm in a difficult situation, the Baidu spider is hitting my site causing about 3Gb a day worth of bandwidth. At the same time I do business in China so don't want to just block it. Has anyone else been in a similar situation (any spider)? Did you…
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Why is my bandwidth averaging 3 kbps on a 10 mbps device?

I have a server with a 100 mbps port and connection that I rate limited to 10 mbps/full duplex because I am only paying for a 10 mbps connection and there are steep overage charges. Ever since then, the bandwidth has absolutely plummeted. I turned…
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iptables: limiting bytes downloaded per IP per day?

On a public-facing web server, I'd like to limit the total bytes downloaded per IP address per day. For example, after a visitor downloaded 100MB, any additional requests would be dropped or rejected for the next 24 hours. Is it possible to…
Miles Wolbe
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Why isn't ipfw correctly limiting the bandwidth?

I've played around with the ipfw command on a Mac and tried to limit the bandwidth to 1MBit/s. sudo ipfw add pipe 1 ip from any to me sudo ipfw pipe 1 config bw 1MBit/s These are the statements I'm using. ipfw indeed limits the bandwidth…
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4 answers

Automatically throttle network bandwidth for users causing bulk traffic

Is anybody aware of a FreeBSD, Linux, or Windows based product that can automatically lower the priority of network packets of users that have caused a high amount of network traffic during the last minute? (The standard pf and ALTQ mechanisms of…
1 answer

use of nmap clogged my network

I was using nmap to scan the mac addresses of my network.What I found was internet connections and rest of network services badly clogged the users were not able to connect to internet.After messing with different things some times later we noticed…
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