Questions tagged [backup-restoration]

344 questions
1 answer

Shadow protect backup restoration really slow

I'm part of a small I.t. dept for an engineering firm. While I'm mostly a software developer I wear many other hats due to the small size of the company. Today I'm wearing the hat of I.T. manager stressing out over backup restoration. The…
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4 answers

SharePoint - Do DPM and SQL backups affect each other?

I am trying to clear up an ugly maintenance plan on SharePoint databases that happen to also be backed up by Data Protection Manager (which is setup to take snapshots at 15-minute intervals). The business would like to separately perform backups of…
Sean Earp
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Moving entire server data to another server

I would like to ask if its possible. I have recently ordered a new dedicated server for my website. The server is slightly different from the current one. Both are quad core xeons, the differences are the current one is 500GB Hard disk - new one is…
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Mysql takes a lot of time to restore backup for test environment. How to work around it?

On a MySQL 5.1 Enterprise server db-dump takes a lot of time. I would like to reduce the amount of time to restore the db-dump or to be able to quickly go back to a known state. This machine is used for testing. So lets say we have a DB Dump at…
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SQL Server 2008: Is it possible to store differential backups in a separate files?

We're moving some of our applications to a new hosting provider and we want to make it seamless for our users. Nonetheless, we have big databases and we've got to move about 48GB of data. Our proposal -if it's possible- is taking full backups of our…
1 answer

Restoring MySQL user accounts, databases and configuration from backed up /var/lib/mysql directory

Last night, I backed up my Ubuntu 10.10 box using the sbackup utility. The process ran with the default options, which backed up the /etc /home /usr /var directories to a separate partition on my machine. After the backup completed successfully, I…
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How can I backup my Ubuntu Server?

I recently installed an Ubuntu Server for home use. As it was my first time doing so, it took a while (and a few reinstalls) to configure everything they way I wanted it. The server install itself is on a small partition on my harddrive. Is there…
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Moss 2007 Backup and Recovery

What are the best solutions for disaster recovery of a Moss farm? Outside of Microsoft's Data Protection manager, what is there?
Mike T
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HP-UX backup and restore

I recently purchased an old ZX6000 workstation to use as a test machine for a software package we have developed. Normally, when testing a software package, we use VMWare to create a clean install of the OS, and then create a snapshot of that…
3 answers

Best Web Server Backup Tips?

I have a web server that I run which has quite a few sites on it now all using SQL Db's - Its actually a cloud server from 1&1 (Win2008). I have the following in place in case of the worst: Shadow Copies Enabled Mozy Pro External Daily Backups Of…
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Does the full backup truncate transaction log?

Does the transaction log get truncated when I take a full backup using command BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO Adventurewks GO Or do I have to take a log backup separately? BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks TO Adventurewks; GO Or is the log…
2 answers

Imaging a colocated server

I need some advise on if something is possible. Here is the Scenario... I have a Co-Located Windows 2008R2 DC Edition server in chicago (far from me) so I only can access it via RDC. It has 1 TB drive as the main drive and another 1 TB drive that…
6 answers

Backup and Restoration Strategies and Softwares used by Sysadmins

I have been recently reading up a lot on server side backup software's and strategies. I am curious to know what strategies and software's seasoned sysadmins (here on ServerFault) use. The do's and dont's of for data backup's and server…
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Backup plan for linux webserver in small business?

I am currently in the process of writing a backup plan for the webserver in use by my business. I am very new to this area and have a few ideas about how things should work but am unsure of what tools to use and what sort of restore process is…
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5 answers

Toast vs Disk Util?

I have several users that are insisting on the purchase of Toast. They will be using it to make backups of disks at possibly re-burn them if needed. I have used Disk Utility for that function. At this point there is no addition functionality needed.…
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