Questions tagged [azure-storage]

Azure Storage is a Microsoft-managed service providing cloud storage that is highly available, secure, durable, scalable, and redundant.

Azure Storage is a Microsoft-managed service providing cloud storage that is highly available, secure, durable, scalable, and redundant. Azure Storage includes Azure Blobs (objects), Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure Files, Azure Queues, and Azure Tables.

Ask everything connected to Azure Storage and

60 questions
1 answer

cURL and Azure BLOB with SAS - HTTP header that's mandatory for this request is not specified

I've reviewed the information at: As far as I can tell I am complying becuase I am posting the SAS in…
Little Code
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3 answers

Redirect apex domain HTTPS requests without manually provisioning a certificate

I'm trying to host a static website on Azure storage with a custom domain and HTTPS. I have created a storage account, uploaded my files, and enabled static site hosting. The site works nicely from the domain provided by…
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Storage account access for 3rd party Azure

we are trying to set up a storage account where a third party company can come and programmatically collect updated files, we upload a new file, then the company gets an email notification but we are stuck where the company needs a sas token, that’s…
Norrin Rad
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Is it possible to download a file using a Powershell DSC resource from Azure File storage account?

I have a file in an Azure File storage. I would like to download it using a DSC resource (xRemoteFile, for example). The Azure File storage gives me an HTTPS url to that file, but it is not directly usable: EDIT 1 Using SAS: Next I am trying to…
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2 answers

Nginx proxy to Azure storage

I am trying to setup an nginx reverse proxy for Azure blob storage. I'm using the nginx:1.13.9-alpine image, and I have a simple proxy_pass configured like this: location /container { proxy_pass …
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Restrict Azure storage account access to allow only my App Services, blocking remote access

I would like to block remote access, allowing only the App Services in the same subscription to access my storage in production. I tried using Virtual Network and Access control (IAM) but without success.
1 answer

How to add versioning support to Azure File Storage

I have a client using Azure file storage (v1) to host some binary files (images, pdfs, etc) for a web app. I'd like to add versioning support in case files get deleted or overwritten, kind of like AWS S3 has. I know Azure Blob storage's newest…
Dan Csharpster
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0 answers

How much IOPS is recommended for large file read and write

How to select the number of IOPS required for processing a large file (hundreds of GB) in Azure Hybrid Disk? I am using Azure blob storage for storing compressed (zstd) disk image backup (1TB disk size, approx. 450 GB after compressing) and I want…
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1 answer

Set Azure FileShare Size - ARM Template

I'm looking for a way to set the quota size (ex, 100gb) for the file share I am deploying using Azure ARM Templates. As of now when I deploy it defaults to 5TB which is not ideal. Ideally I would just add a setting to my template.json or…
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Log Security Events for Azure VMs

I’m trying to enable security logs for auditing in Azure. I’ve looked at security in the data sources from windows machines, but that says the intelligence pack isn’t installed. I think they may be in the security Center. I was wondering how to save…
Norrin Rad
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1 answer

Automate sending logs to storage account Azure

Hi Does anyone know a way to automate sending logs to a storage account, I can send the data to log analytics workspace, but also need to have a policy set that keeps logs for 200 days in a storage account? Thanks in advance.
Norrin Rad
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2 answers

Mounting an Azure file share using Cloudstor on a local Docker container

I'm developing a docker image that requires access to shared data in a Azure file share. I want to test this locally before deploying to Azure and I'm not using swarms. I'm using the Azure CloudStor Docker plugin I've successfully installed the…
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1 answer

Can't get search query to work for Azure blob metadata fields

I have a blob container in a storage account where each blob is an image. I've added "w" and "h" metadata fields to each blob containing the width and height of the image. I've followed the instructions here to add a search service to the blob…
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1 answer

Options for storing files from a Azure App Service

I am trying to deploy an existing .Net application into Azure App Service. The website needs to store and retrieve files. When reading the docs for Azure Files I was under the impression that this was the way to go: Azure Files offers fully managed…
Jonatan B
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1 answer

Does Azure Backup use GPv1 or GPv2 or Blob Storage account?

I'm guessing Azure Backup uses Blob Storage account rather than General Purpose v1 accounts (GPv1) or General Purpose v2 accounts (GPv2) and I'm looking for a confirmation of this in the Azure documentation. Please help If I choose to keep a copy…
Young Monk
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