Questions tagged [azure-sql]

Azure SQL Database is a general-purpose relational database-as-a-service (DBaaS) based on the latest stable version of Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine.

SQL Database is a general-purpose relational database managed service in Microsoft Azure that supports structures such as

  • Relational data
  • JSON
  • Spatial
  • XML

SQL Database delivers dynamically scalable performance within two different purchasing models: a vCore-based purchasing model and a DTU-based purchasing model. SQL Database also provides options such as columnstore indexes for extreme analytic analysis and reporting, and in-memory OLTP for extreme transactional processing. Microsoft handles all patching and updating of the SQL code base seamlessly and abstracts away all management of the underlying infrastructure.

Ask any question related to Azure SQL and read more at

92 questions
1 answer

"An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" when trying to connect to azure sql server

I'm trying to deploy a SQL database to my azure SQL server. When I'm trying to connect to my target server, I get the error listed below. I'm using Microsoft SQL Server management studio 18 with Windows 10 1909. Any…
0 answers

Enter Azure SQL Connection String in App Settings w/ PowerShell

I've deployed an Azure Web App and Azure SQL Database using PowerShell. At the moment I have the following code with a dummy value that sets a sql connection string for my web app: $connectionStrings = @{ "sqlConnection"= @{ …
1 answer

Azure SQL database still incurring vcore charges despite move to DTU?

So, in my MSDN subscription, myself and a developer set up an Azure SQL 480mb database to test performance, initially on the vcore model. Charges very quickly accrued and despite practically nothing being done with the database beyond the initial…
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Azure SQL. Scale out database to improve performance (read only)

We have a database that is used quite heavily (almost 100% of requests are selects), and now database becomes a bottleneck. We were looking for a solution that would let us scale this database out (horizonally) and load balance request across…
1 answer

Unable to connect to Azure SQL server through Point-to-Site VPN

Is there any possibility to connect to an Azure SQL server through Azure's P2S VPN client? More specifically, I want to force clients connected through Azure's S2P VPN client to use the VPN to connect to the DB server. One of the reasons is that the…
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2 answers

Is an Azure Vnet really private?

I'm in the process of splitting the functions of a single VM web server on Azure across two VMs on the same Vnet. I want to check, can I assume that traffic between them is absolutely isolated and private? For example, one will host an SMTP server,…
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1 answer

Azure Database for MySQL servers: Location: service not available in this location for your subscription

I am trying to create an Azure DB MySQL server and under location I keep getting this error. " service not available in this location for your subscription." Could you guide me what needs to be selected here?
1 answer

Azure SQL metric

I am not able to find few SQL metrics in Azure. Can anyone help in how to set metrics for below topics. 1)Under utilized capacity 2)Number of databases outside of pool 3)Scale up 4)Connection timeout Thanks in advance.
Gayathri K
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WebApp cannot connect to Dbaas SQL server database

Since yesterday afternoon our Azure website is (again) not working because it cannot connect to its Azure SQL Server database. We haven't changed anything. The database is accessible through Management Studio and when running my website (or webjobs)…
Paul Meems
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1 answer

Detect when scaling Azure SQL database via async TSQL command has failed

I have a scheduled task which runs each night to copy an existing production Azure SQL db to a dev environment. Once copied, I scale the database down (actually I put it into an elastic pool to share the cost amongst multiple other dbs) to reduce…
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Cross reference between azure sql data ware houses

In one sql server instance, I have below 2 data warehouses, sqlwarehouse1 sqlwarehouse2 And in sqlwarehouse2, I have the table "dbo.test". How can I refer this table from sqlwarehouse1? Is this cross data warehouse communication is possible in Azure…
1 answer

Failed queries in Azure SQL

Finding the failed queries in Azure SQL Description: How can I get all the failed queries in Azure SQL for the last 5 days? Use-case- I need to troubleshoot certain issues
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ADO NET Destination has failed to acquire the connection with the following error message: "Login failed for user

Created a SSIS package, it is running fine when I run it on premise but when i try to execute it from sql server agent it gives me error for login failed for user, I am using SQL authentication to connect to the Azure database which are working fine…
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How to create (or use the existing) database on an SQL 2017 deployed via Azure VM?

Please note the question is about the SQL 2017 that comes inside an Azure VM, not the Azure Databases. Basically, I deployed an Azure VM with SQL 2017 Enterprise installed on it already, by MS. Now, I want to create some test tables, populate data…
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1 answer

Azure Security Alert - Login from an unusual data center

Azure Security Center generates an alert for a SQL Database that someone authenticated from an "unusual datacenter". Provided IP is Microsoft owned. Hostname is nothing recognizable.
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