Questions tagged [aws-ec2]

40 questions
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What causes reachability check failure on EC2 instance?

I have an EC2 instance which is stopped at the end of each working day, and then started again the following morning via a Control-M job. Most instances start with no problems, however occasionally we are seeing an error as the instance reachability…
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Best way to clone EC2 (copy of my current instance)

I would like to launch an instance that is a copy of my current instance EC2 What is the difference between image, template and snapshot) , and which should I pick ? (which is the better solution i have to work with ?? I need help pleaase
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Separate ECS clusters for web app and API?

I've read all the ECS docs on clusters but it's not clear to me whether I need separate clusters for the web app containers vs. the web API containers. I initially got it all deployed with a single cluster. Had to manually set up the 2nd port in the…
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Launch new EC2 instance using shared private AWS AMI

I have a website running on t2.micro ec2 server (A). While it is running I created its AMI and shared it with another AWS account B. I went to the B AWS account and tried to launch an EC2 instance with the same configuration (t2 micro). After server…
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How to redirect to a public ip with port from AWS Amplify

I have a static website hosted on AWS Amplify. eg: Then I have an instance similar to ec2 where I am running Spring Boot on port 8080. eg ip: Now I want to redirect…
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How to use ssh-copy-id on remote server?

I have an ec2 instance which I can connect using this command with the ssh_key.pem file I have. ssh -i ssh_key.pem ec2-user@ I am trying to use ssh-copy-id to add the public key I have on my local machine to remote ec2…
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Apache2 on Ubuntu EC2 goes down and does not restart

History: We moved a Codeigniter 3 Installation from Bluehost to a T3.2xlarge. That single instance is hosting apache2 and a mysql server as a local database. On Bluehost, the instance was running fine, migration was done since Bluehost itself had…
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How to mount volume type LVM2_member to EC2 instance

I'm trying to mount a volume taken from an old EC2 to a new EC2 instance, however, this volume has an "unknown filesystem type of "LVM2_member". I tried all this with the original volume, then I made a volume from the snapshot, thinking it would not…
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How to prevent copying of executables included in AMIs?

When publishing and AMI on the Marketplace or sharing an AMI with another account, how would one go about protecting the executables from being copied out? I've looked into the documentation…
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SSL to Amazon EC-2 instance

First time using EC-2, and I have a hard time adding SSL, got stuck under CloudHSM, it won't connect to the IP, it's so complicated, 1000 steps using another 2 services, CloudHSM and AWS key manangement service. Is there a simpler way to add…
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Redis inside Docker Compose Permission Denied for RDB file Crontab

Hi I have following docker-compose.yaml file. version: "3.9" volumes: local_postgres_data2: {} local_postgres_data_backups2: {} services: postgres: image: postgres container_name: angel-postgres restart: always volumes: …
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Benchmarking AWS outbound Internet bandwidth (egress) "up to 25 Gbps"

We conducted our tests on c6gn.2xlarge AWS instances located is us-east-1 region, which are advertised in AWS documentation to have a network performance of "Up to 25 Gbps" with a baseline bandwidth of 12.5 Gbps. We ran UDP tests with iperf3, from a…
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MySQL Server Scaleing with AWS issues

MySql server doesn't seem to be scale up correctly when scaling up my AWS instance. Its almost like MySql is cacheing the instance sizes. This happens after a scale down the AWS instance and then when we scale back up the the AWS instance, the MySQL…
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AWS - In place upgrade of SQL Server 2016 -> 2019 - How to Location Product Key

I have a AWS EC2 instance, specifically a t3.2xlarge, that has windows server 2019 and SQL Server 2016 Standard installed(license came from the instances, through AWS), I'd like to upgrade my server to SQL Server 2019. When I download and run SQL…
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Is there any way in aws to find if my ec2 instances is fully utlized for type which i am using?

I have may aws ec2 instances running in dev account and most of the instances i see cpu utlization doesn't go most of the time more than 5% . For example even in one of the kubernetes cluster where kafka is running it is not exceeding 5 or max 6%…