Questions tagged [aptitude]

148 questions
7 answers

What is the fastest way to install Python 2.6 on an Ubuntu 8.04 server?

I just got an Ubuntu server set up, and it seems to have come with Python 2.5. I've been developing my app in Python 2.6, but apt-cache search ^python seems to not contain 2.6. What is the fastest way to update the repositories apt-get looks through…
Andrey Fedorov
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(Ubuntu 16.10) How to pick/encourage a specific solution proposed by aptitude using only command-line arguments?

According to aptitude, the ubuntu-mate-desktop and ubuntu-mate-core packages recommend the ntp package, which conflicts with the openntpd package that we use. Interactively, it's easy to ask aptitude to leave openntpd alone and not install ntp.…
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Exclude sources files for apt-get update

I use an specific command to check security updates: /usr/bin/apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/etc/apt/security.sources.list But when executed it use sources files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. So i want this command only read the specified…
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1 answer

Unable to install python2.7-dev on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS

The command $ sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev yields this result: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an…
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1 answer

Disallow virtual package in Debian's /etc/apt/preferences

I know I can disallow a particular package in Debian by appending /etc/apt/preferences with: Package: *x11* Pin: release Pin-Priority: -1 But how can I do that for a virtual package like httpd? I'd like to disallow installation of all packages that…
Michal Rus
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Prioritise repositories in Ubuntu

We have a few PPA sources on some of our servers which we stick into /etc/apt/sources.list.d . Some of these repos provide same packages (in terms of names) but different versions and possibly different binaries. Is there a way how we can PRIORITISE…
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2 answers

Debian removed /var/lib/dpkg/info/, is there a way to save the system?

Removed accidentally /var/lib/dpkg/info/, now I am having problems with installing/removing packages, it prompts errors, cause can not find the info about installed packages. Is there any way to save the system or need to reinstall debian…
Wiggler Jtag
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1 answer

Cannot restart apache2 on Debian server - "Cannot load /usr/local/apache2/modules/ into server"

Okay... I'm something of a beginner when it comes to servers, and I'm having some issues with restarting apache on my Debian web server. I just ran the following: aptitude install apache2 openssl Immediately afterwards, I tried to restart apache…
Philip Bennison
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4 answers

Debian = aptitude how to deselect/disable automatic packages when installing software?

i want to install subversion. But I have already (manually) installed mysql. And it seems that aptitude will again try to intall mysql mysql-common{a}. How can I deselect the mysql installation when installing subversion? What commands/paramters do…
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5 answers

Broken upgrade of debian, causing perl issues

So I stuffed an upgrade of debian, both upgrade and dist-upgrade. I am more used to yum but thats no excuse. Now things are being silly. The majority of things work, however, my bugzilla install fails. On loading bugzilla I get a 500 error and this…
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3 answers

What is the format of specifying 'http' repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list?

After specifying the url of the repository, what do the tags like 'stable','non-free' mean in the entries of /etc/apt/sources.list ? If we know the url of a repository, how do we decide about these additional attributes while adding an entry in…
2 answers

Generating a record of the full(-ish) package management state

I'm about to make some system changes and I'd like to have a record of my current happy system state. Is there a convenient way to create a record of this? I'd like to keep track of info like currently installed packages and their versions which…
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3 answers

How to upgrade ClamAV on Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS?

I'm running a server on Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS, and when I installed ClamAV via aptitude, it installed version 0.94. That version has now been EOL'ed, but when I run "aptitude upgrade", it doesn't update ClamAV to the more recent version…
Jordan Lev
3 answers

How can I list which packages are from experimental?

I have a system which is a mishmash of testing and unstable and some from experimental. How can I get a list of which packages I've installed from experimental?
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2 answers

Aptitude / apt-get. Any way to only show non-X dependant apps in a search?

It just occured to me that it would be good to do an 'aptitude search blah' and only have non-graphical applications shown. I know it's not a biggy but the docs don't seem to mention it and I would find it useful to know. Thanks.
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