Questions tagged [apache-traffic-server]

17 questions
4 answers

systemctl start trafficserver wait for start

I have a script that installs and sets up traffic server: yum install -y trafficserver systemctl start trafficserver traffic_line -s proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required -v 0 traffic_line -s proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled -v 0 The problem is,…
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Apache: A lot of connections gracefully finishing?

at the moment I'm mentioning that a lot of connections are gracefully finishing if I visit my apache2 status-page. What does that mean and why are they gracefully finishing? Some of them are in this state for 5-10min. The server uses Apache 2.4 with…
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Apache TrafficServer as reverse proxy gives empty cipher list

I am trying to setup Apache Trafficserver as a reverse proxy. (Debian Stretch, ATS 7.0.0 (also tried 7.1.2 from backports), openssl 1.1.0f) Everything went fine so far, until I came accross configuring TLS. I added port 443 for SSL in…
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Stop Apache Traffic Server from creating config file backups

I've got an installation of Apache Traffic Server running. All is great, except it keeps overwriting my symlinked configuration files! For failover purposes, I've replaced records.config and remap.config with symlinks to a shared storage location…
immortal squish
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1 answer

Push content to Apache Traffic Server's Cache

I am trying to use push cache option of Apache Traffic Server(ATS), to push some content into my cache. I read the documentation, and tried to follow it but I have following questions/problems using this option: 1 - In the documentation it mentiones…
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Does software utilizing OpenSSL needs to be specially compiled for ECDSA support?

I am attempting to configure my Apache Traffic Server to use ECDSA cert/key. However, I got the following error message when connecting with openssl s_client routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv 3 alert handshake and if I attempt to connect it…
Isaac Kwan
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What is the difference between Apache Traffic Server and regular Apache Web Server?

Can one use the Apache Traffic Server and not have to use Apache Web Server?
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Total Accesses Increasing very Fast - Apache mod_status

I enabled the mod_status module on my Apache 2 installation with Extended Status On. However, when I kept checking the server status page, the Total Access is increasing in a weird way(like 100 every 1 second) although i don't have any traffic going…
Yehia A.Salam
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Setting up SSL Termination on Apache Traffic Server (Reverse Proxy)

We are attempting to setup Apache Traffic Server to act as reverse proxy for our web server. Here are the basics: Apache Traffic Server, built from source (6.1.0) and installed into /opt, is running on a CentOS 7 (7.1.1503) server. Apache Traffic…
1 answer

Allow only selected domain to access http centos

I have apache traffic server which caches my webapp and its connected to a CDN. I have to reject all http requests other than my CDN. IPTABLES rules can't do anything because, as of my knowledge, it won't deal with domain names. hosts.allow and…
1 answer

Forward proxy with rotating IP

Is it possible to set-up a forward proxy using Apache Traffic Server or nginx, such that it forwards/sends each outgoing request from a different (random) IPv4/IPv6 available on the server?
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Apache TrafficServer - no response from Jenkins in reverse-proxy configuration

I am trying ApacheTrafficServer (5.3.5) on my OpenBSD/PFSense routers (dedicated PC with 5 1Mbs ports). I mentioned here the OpenBSD/PFSense host but do not expect it to make a difference, but I may be wrong. In remap.config I have the following…
3 answers

ATS (Apache Traffic Server) does not cache

I am trying to make ATS cache return of my UWSGI Application which currently runs on the same machine as ATS itself. I don't understand why ATS always forwards my requests to UWSGI and does not cache the results. I use ATS 5.1.1 on ubuntu 14.04…
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1 answer

Apache Traffic Server Local Environment

I'm trying to setup a local environment that handles ESIs, caches, and supports a number of apache rules for vanity urls to mimic a production environment. I'm using Apache Traffic Server, Apache 2.4.7, and Adobe Experience Manager 6. Our developers…
1 answer

How do I get Cache Inspector to work when running Apache Traffic Server as a Forward Proxy Cache

When trying to use Cache Inspector on Apache Traffic Server (8.0.8) while configured for forward proxy caching it seems like it's triggering a recursion when mapping is turned off (required for forward proxy). -sh-4.2$ curl -v "localhost/myCI" *…