Questions tagged [angular]

It's a open-source (web) application platform intended for front-ends and is based on TypeScript programming language.

40 questions
0 answers

Angular post request refused, but nodejs post request works

I have an express app which listening on port 5000 like this: app.listen(5000, ", ()=>'Server started on' + 'port ' + 5000). When I try to send a post request by node script using axios or curl its response me…
0 answers

Nginx - Angular not passing Authorization header

This is the schematic of my microservices setup: To put in words: request comes from browser nginx reverses proxy the request to the angular container angular container makes request to the backend service to retrieve data Now my backend service…
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1 answer

Docker apache and angular

I have an Apache server (in docker) that distributes to several applications. I have an application in Angular that I want to deploy on my server, but when accessing through the domain, it is giving a 502 error when retrieving the static…
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Nginx server configuration hosting an Angular app and proxying requests of the API calls

How one is able to proxy the requests (or the API calls) of an Angular app hosted on Nginx towards backend running on a docker container having another port value (the Angular app is also dokcerized)? Currently, I have an nginx.conf file and copying…
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1 answer

Nginx not able to redirect js , css, jpeg files

Please find by nginx.conf file as below : server { listen 81; server_name; root /home/ubuntu/mysite/dist; index index.php index.html index.htm; charset utf-8; # Remove trailing slash to please Laravel…
0 answers

Understanding angular frontend and elixir backend relationship

I am running a kubernetes cluster on an openstack cloud and have a pod each for my angular frontend and my phoenix/elixir backend. When the user first calls the frontend through an ingress exposed node server, http calls to the backend are performed…
1 answer

Nginx und Tomcat For Spring and Angular App

I have Spring boot and Angular app in Tomcat Container deployed on Server. It works totally fine on localhost. Now I am trying to map my domain with the application. When I call my domain then API calls from Angular to Spring are not getting…
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How to configure lighttpd to serve an Angular 8 application?

I would like to run an Angular 8 app on lighttpd webserver installed on a Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately the app stops loading immediately leaving a blank browser screen. No error in browser console, no error in lighttpd logs, no hint. Just nothing.…
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Why does the access.log nginx file contain two different agent users for a single request?

I try to debugg an Angular error with an online Webbrowser Simulator "" running Safari. When I watch my debugg file on the nginx in access.log I see the following line: - admin [24/Feb/xxx +0000] "GET xx/xx HTTP/1.1" 200…
a a
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AWS Application load balancer in switching between two frontends

I have two angular6 frontends, one running on port 4000, the second running on 4100. Do a Dockerized push to ECR and create two task definitions ... create cluster and then 2 services of these two frontends, both are running on their ports well and…
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