Questions tagged [android]

Operating system for mobile devices. For user questions, see

Operating system for mobile devices. Developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance.

For non-developer questions, see the Android Enthusiasts StackExchange.

209 questions
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Blocking Android TouchDown access to Exchange

I found out recently that a user with an Android phone is using TouchDown to sync with his Exchange 2003 account. What's the best way of blocking this?
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What can cause 'Network is unreachable' when the link is up, the route is there, and the netmask is correct?

What could cause this? $ sudo ip route show dev usb0 scope link …
Adam Bliss
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How to make Wi-Fi Clients happy on Airgapped network?

We have an airgapped network composed of an Ubuntu 16.04 server and a Pepwave Peplink AP Pro 300M Wireless Access point. The goal is to allow consumer users to hit this access point but, when they are on it, they are only able to access the…
Dave Collins
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iPhone/ Android will not dismiss wifi landing page implemented with DNS

I am trying to implement a splash page/ wifi landing page on my existing public wifi network, using the DNS method mentioned in Wiki, in which I host a custom DNS server, that will redirect ALL dns lookup to a local address where a web server is…
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Android not detecting captive portal on access point

I have an access point hosting a login page (which doesn't have actual internet access) and I'm using dnsmasq to answer all DNS requests with the IP address of this page. If an android device connects, I want it to know that it's connected to a…
1 answer

Warehouse WiFi Repeatedly Disconnecting Only When Standing Under AP with 'Preferred Site' Error

Here's a strange one, I'm commissioning some Motorola/Symbol MC40 Android scanners in a warehouse environment. They just installed new WiFi APs to cover the warehouse. They seem to work fine, except when standing directly underneath any AP, the WiFi…
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Abnormal DHCP Android device traffic cannot be identified

Hi Serverfault community members. I've been trying to identify the source of an abnormal broadcast traffic generated by some Samsung Android devices with no success, so I ask for your help. I have this pfSense virtual machine running on top of a…
2 answers

How much protection is provided for my remote centos vps by using certificate-only root login

I have two leased centos servers, one to run mysql for backends to the web and mail server on the other, as well as data from my android apps. I am only planning to give access to the data server if you're coming through my apps or front-end server…
Sinthia V
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Dozens of identical HTTP requests from Chrome on Android

I'm seeing an odd pattern in my HTTP access log. Sometimes a mobile Chrome browser makes dozens of seemingly redundant HTTP requests to get the same page. What could cause this behavior? A buggy app that uses the default User-Agent string? Browser…
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Can anyone help a stupid developer trying to set up Office 365 Exchange?

As a Microsoft MVP, I have access to Office 365, with a limited number of users. I'm trying to figure out how to set it up, but I'm running in to issues everywhere (I get the basics - just trying to make it all work end-to-end well). Here's my…
Adam Barney
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1 answer

Windows authentication vs Android browsers in Windows Server 2008 r2 IIS7

I have a company website which uses Windows Authentication. The site runs on Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7. When we try to access it from mobile, we get mixed results - some browsers do succeed to login, some do not even show the login window, and…
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4 answers

Monitoring the stability of an internet connection

I relatively recently signed up with a new ISP and I have about 2 weeks to determine if their uptime is sufficient for running a server. My initial plan was to install Nagios on an old laptop and store it at a friend's house, but - long story short…
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1 answer

L2TP over IPSec VPN (OpenSwan, CentOS 6) unable to connect via iPhone (iOS 5.1) and Android (JellyBean)

I have successfully installed L2TP over IPsec VPN (PSK) using OpenSwan 2.6.38 running on CentOS. Connect DOES WORK perfectly from Windows 8. But doesn't work AT ALL from iPhone 4 (ios 5.1) or Android 4.1 - fails with errors "VPN server doesn't…
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1 answer

Route outbound connections from local network through VPN

I have a server A running OpenVPN, an OpenVPN client B (a rooted Android phone as it happens) and a third party C (a laptop, tablet etc.) tethered to B. B can use the VPN to access the internet via A; C can use the tethered connection WITHOUT the…
not all wrong
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Exchange 2007 and Droid Rezound SD CARD Encryption

We have an Exchange 2007 server that supports many DROIDX phones. The configurations are setup to only enforce a pin code. However on the DROID REZOUND, it forces you to encrypt the SDCARD. This basically breaks a lot of applications it seems that…
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