Questions tagged [amazon-vpc]

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a logically isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a logically isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define. For additional information, see:

724 questions
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AWS VPC routing table with both Internet Gateway and NAT Gateway

I have a single VPC in Amazon Web Services with the subnet I have created an EC2 instance in this subnet and given it a public Elastic IP. There is an Internet Gateway on this VPC. So, my route table looks like this: …
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Setting up Open VPN client on Amazon EC2

There are various pages that advise on setting up an Open VPN Server on Amazon EC2, but all I need is to setup a client (so any internet access is routed through the VPN rather than coming directly from AWS IPs). I can transfer the .ovpn file to it…
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How to specify VPC and subnet in AWS CloudFormation template

I am trying to launch an example CloudFormation template as described in Getting Started with CloudFormation. I removed the default VPC, added new one (, and created a new subnet in it ( According to the AWS docs, I can't…
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Connecting an EC2 VPC with OpenVPN all routed traffic being lost

I'm trying to use OpenVPN on Amazon Linux to connect the local LAN to a VPC on EC2. I have traffic flowing from the OpenVPN instance to any machine on the LAN, but other machines on the VPC are not seeing traffic from the LAN. Here's a trimmed…
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Classic RDS from VPC EC2s

My old RDS instance is deployed in "Classic," not VPC. I have a new VPC with some EC2 instances in it, but I can't connect from these VPC EC2 instances to the RDS instance. Security Groups from VPC are not showing up in the RDS security group…
Rodrigo Asensio
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Software VPN connection to Amazon AWS VPC private instance

I have a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) instance on Amazon AWS. Inside the VPC, I have a private instance which is running the database and a public instance which has the front-end web pages for accessing the database. There is no way to login into…
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Amazon EKS: how to configure S3 access for worker nodes?

How can I configure an EKS cluster to automatically allow S3 access from worker nodes? I've set up an EKS cluster following the Getting Started guide and have run the example Guest Book app. Now I want to use Snakemake to run bioinformatics…
3 answers

IPv6 on Amazon VPC: missing default route in Ubuntu

Now that Amazon has extended IPv6 support for VPC to most of their global regions including eu-west-1, I'm trying to get my instances connected. Unfortunately I can't get routing to work. I've followed the steps in the migration guide, i.e. I've…
Martijn Heemels
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How to set up IAM Role Permissions for VPC CloudWatch logs?

I am trying to allow aws to start my log service, and I have my log streams, and log groups added already. When i got to my VPC dashboard, the status of the Flow Log I'm interested in says: Access Error. The IAM role for your flow logs does not…
3 answers

AWS yum does not work from private subnet (does work from public)

I have a VPC with a private and a public subnet - each containing an identically built RHEL7 server. I believe the VPC is set up correctly (see following). However, the public server can use yum and the private one can't. The private one receives…
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Amazon EC2 VPC: NAT instance download speed performance drop

I have a set of servers inside Amazon EC2 in VPC. Inside this VPC I have a private subnet and a public subnet. In the public subnet I have set up a NAT machine on a t2.micro instance that basically runs this NAT script on startup, injecting rules…
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What is the advantage of using a NAT plus private sub-net on AWS vs a public sub-net with locked down security groups and ACL?

My Scenario: I have an SQS queue with an auto-scaling group of EC2 workers processing messages from the queue into a database in a different region. Implied Networking Needs for EC2 Workers: Access Public Internet to interact with SQS Access Public…
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How can I enable outgoing HTTP/HTTPS requests on an EC2 in a public subnet within a VPC on Amazon AWS

I set up a VPC using scenario 2 from the AWS Docs: I've assigned an Elastic IP to an EC2 instance running in a Public Subnet. SSH works fine and I can access the website…
T. Brian Jones
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Static IP for cloudfront

Is there any way to bind static IP to my cloudfront distribution? I'm wondering if VPC can make that work. I need static IP just to eliminate the problem of allowing in my firewall everytime AWS Cloudfront IP changes.
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4 answers

AWS VPC internet gateway and AWS services

Am I doing something wrong or is the AWS VPC ec2 instances not able to reach any of the AWS managed services (s3/sns/sqs) without a public route to the Internet Gateway in the routetable? I was told here Aws vpc default route table in CloudFormation…
Sleeper Smith
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