Questions tagged [amazon-kms]

Key Management Service (KMS) is a service provided by Amazon as one of their AWS services. It is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and manage encryption keys.

The Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) service is part of the Amazon Web Services cloud platform.

KMS provides is a managed service that allows you to create and manage encryption keys.

5 questions
1 answer

How to change RDS KMS Key without losing data?

We have a PostgreSQL database hosted on AWS RDS. When it was created using cloudformation I set it to be encrypted, but didn't set the encryption key. As such it was set up to use the default encryption key. I've since been told that there is a…
1 answer

"access to kms is not allowed" error returned when trying to fetch secret from AWS Secrets Manager

An IAM user in our aws account is trying to fetch a particular secret from Secrets Manager via aws cli but they cannot do that although they should have required permissions: aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id "config/my/secret" This…
2 answers

How to create or initiate an AWS managed keys

At "AWS console > KMS > AWS managed keys", I see "aws/ebs" under some regions and some regions do not have AWS managed "aws/ebs" key. I understand that we can create "Customer managed keys". But how can I create or initiate an aws managed key so…
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1 answer

Simple AWS Appsync app hits already 50k+ AWS Key Management Service requests

Last month we developed an Ionic app using AmplifyJS. It basically runs on top of an AWS Appsync API. It was an unpleasant journey so far, especially the @connections between DynamoDB tables. For example you want to connect tables Team > Members >…
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2 answers

How to auto-scale ec2 instances with an encrypted root volume?

I am trying to configure an autoscaling setup in AWS where the Node Launch Template includes encrypting the root volume (EBS). I have configured a service linked role, and a CMK in Amazon KMS with an IAM policy as per the documentation. However, I…