Questions tagged [amazon-elasticache]

45 questions
1 answer

scrapy-redis can't connect to AWS Redis ElastiCache

I have two Ubuntu EC2 instances running Scrapy, both using scrapy-redis to control dupes. I am trying to use an ElastiCache Redis as the scrapy-redis store. I have the exact same set up in a different AWS account, and it works fine. I am trying to…
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How to keep an Amazon ElastiCahe Memcached/Redis before a RDS MySQL database and use ElastiCache to cache the content?

I created one cluster in ElastiCache and connected that cluster with EC2 instance. And I want to include ElastiCache in front of my RDS(MySQL database). I have two questions which are as below. 1)Is there anything needs to be done from…
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Can AWS ElastiCache instance fail during a manual/automated backup?

I have an AWS ElastiCache instance running at around 85% memory capacity. Before scaling to a bigger instance, I would like to take a manual backup and test a few things out. Failure of this node is not desirable as it has critical data and would…
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Restoring ElastiCache Clustered Redis Snapshot with Terraform

Is it possible to create a ElastiCache Clustered Redis cluster from a snapshot using Terraform? I don't see a Terraform option similar to the create-replication-group --node-group-configuration cli option. Error: Error creating Elasticache…
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Configuring Redis for a read heavy application

Redis connection timeout even after upgrading to elasticache m4.xlarge We are facing connection timeout.Our cache size is hardly 1.5Gb.We have been using m4.large instance and there was around 150-200 connection to instance.We tried adding two read…
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Is it possible to have an EC2 communicate with another Elasticache from another region?

I have an EC2 instance in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region that I'd like to connect to a Elasticache instance launched in Oregon (US-West) region. After reading through, I understand that Elasticache can only be access from instances within the…
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ElasticCache enpoint to use in code

I have provisioned ElasticCache and launched a Redis cache cluster with Enable Replication option selected in Single Availability Zone, now I see three cache nodes under cache cluster as following each having different endpoint…
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Installing ElastiCache Cluster Client on PHP AWS Elastic Beanstalk (without creating resource)

Elastic Beanstalk does not, by default, install the ElastiCache Cluster Client PHP module. This is needed to connect to an ElastiCache node cluster. Reading around, most of the instructions relate to creating an ElastiCache resource (which I assume…
2 answers

AWS Elasticache PHP Sessions with ELB and Web Servers at different Data Centres

I'm running an AWS Load Balancer with Web Servers at different Data Centres. I need to start using PHP Sessions on Elasticache to Centralize Session Management. I can create an a 2 node Elasticache setup with one node in each data centre but I'm…
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AWS ElasticCache - Cross Site - Disaster Recovery

I'm using AWS ElasticCache (MemCached) and can see how instances can be created at different data centers/sites. (eg: singapore A or B) There is no AWS Automatic Replication of ElasticCache from DataCenter to DataCenter... Therefore is there a way…
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What cloudwatch metric do I use for checking how much space is left on Elasticache Redis?

I found that some cached items are being lost on production once in a while, the test and production environment settings are practically the same, so I am suspecting it is Redis running out of "space" but I am not sure what to look for. The…
0 answers

how to monitor number of "add" commands on memcached

so memcached provides a lot of stats to track usage (hits and misses). sample output - stats STAT pid 1 STAT uptime 982226 STAT time 1630949306 STAT version 1.6.6 STAT libevent 2.0.21-stable STAT pointer_size 64 STAT rusage_user 18.366158 STAT…
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AWS Elasticache security groups for inter cluster communication

I don't really have a setup to test this, but if I create an elasticache redis cluster with more than 1 node, how exactly would a security group have to look like to be very secure but without breaking the cluster itself? Lets say I create a…
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How to estimate the max number of connection an AWS ElasticCache Redis cluster can support?

Is there any formula or "rule of thumb" I can apply to make an estimate of maximum number of connections a redis cluster hosted on AWS ElasticCache can support? My cluster currently has 3 shards and 1 replica per shard. The node type is…
Anthony Kong
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Unable to connect to redis on amazon (same VPC different subnets)

I am trying to set up a Redis cluster using amazon's ElasticCache I have a VPC with the following CIDR: Which has five subnets: 2 private - and 3 public - After the creation…
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