Questions tagged [amanda]

Amanda is Backup and Archiving software that protects multiple machines running various versions of Linux, UNIX and Microsoft Windows operating systems. It supports tapes, disks, optical media and changers.

Amanda is acronym of Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver. It is an archiving tool that is able to back up data on multiple computers on a network. The Amanda server contacts each client in the computer to perform a backup at a scheduled time. It uses native tools (such as GNUtar, dump) for backup and can back up a large number of workstations running multiple versions of Unix/macOS/Linux/Windows.

Key features of Amanda:

  • Centralized backups of systems on a network
  • Intelligent backup scheduler
  • Open formats for backup archives
  • Supported platform includes Linux, Solaris, Windows, macOS, and most UNIX platforms
  • Backup to Disk, Tapes, Tape Libraries/Changers or Storage Clouds
  • Optional Compression and Encryption Built-in

For further info, consult Amanda Wiki.

29 questions
4 answers

Amanda versus Bacula and (modern as of 2017) large backup jobs

I am deploying my first tape backup solution (with Quantum Superloader 3 LTO-7, CentOS 6.9), and I am surprised and stymied by the what seems like daunting configuration requirements of both Bacula and Amanda. I am attracted by the philosophical…
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2 answers

Speeding up AMANDA within the backup window

I'm running AMANDA with an LTO-6 drive spooling off a local RAID array. The backups are beginning to take longer than the eight hour backup window. Are there any config options to cut some time off the backups (The disks are spiking near 100%…
Server Fault
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1 answer

MySQL ZRM restore failed with mysql error unknown command \0

I am restoring an incremental backup with ZRM server on mysql database. I am having blob data in the tables. The incremental backup not getting restored and giving mysql error unknown command '\0'. Tried changing the max_allowed_packet_size to 1 GB…
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2 answers

Recover amanda backup without configuration files

I have inherited a bunch of old backup tapes that contain some data that needs to be recovered. The problem is that the amanda implementation used to create these backups has since been obliterated. I am very new to amanda, but was under the…
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1 answer

Does the OSS Backup Solution support sparse files?

I want to (or better have to) do Backups of my KVM Virtual Machine images. I have searched for days for a good Backup Soloution. I know amanda is a very good solution. It would be kinf if someone kenn tell me if the following is supported: Trigger…
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1 answer

change amanda backup user account on Debian

Is it possible to change the account that runs the amanda client on a Debian host? My site is predominately CentOS 7 and all the amanda clients use amandabackup as the client login. I need a few Debian hosts but they all seem restricted to using…
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1 answer

Difference between amgtar and GNUTAR

We have a few hundred systems backing up to a tape library using AMANDA. Every day we get an email with a long list of STRANGE backup results. Almost all of these are because a log file was being written or a file-based cache was being updated on a…
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4 answers

amanda: No space left on device -- which device?

I was in the middle of an amanda backup, and after about 60GB, it exited with this error: localhost /home lev 0 FAILED [data write: Connection reset by peer] localhost /home lev 0 partial taper: No space left on device: No space left on…
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2 answers

How can I backup FreeNAS with Amanda backup?

I need to backup FreeNAS with Amanda backup, how can I do this? I cannot find any plugin and I cannot think of how to do it.
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2 answers

Backing up onto S3 - do I want to use bucket in a different region?

We are using Amanda to send backups to S3. Each host is acting as its own Amanda "server". All hosts are currently using the same S3-bucket -- each has its own subfolder under it. The dumps are saved with "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" -- it is 20% cheaper…
Mikhail T.
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1 answer

Getting AMANDA setup - issues with labeling

Im attempting to setup AMANDA to use a TL4000 system with 3 drives and 45 slots. I've run into a few issues that have me stymied: amlabel seems to work about half the time. The rest I get messages like Error reading volume label: Tape device…
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1 answer

How can I capture a one-time full backup of a server using AMANDA?

Suppose I have a preconfigured AMANDA server running automated network backups of directories specified in my disklists file. Normally, AMANDA will backup targets disks to /dumps/amanda. Is there any single command or method to perform a manual,…
Taylor Hx
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1 answer

Amanda Backup Client without Amanda Server

In our case we need a central control installed on Windows Server and schedule local backups in remote servers. Transferring remote backups to the central control is not required. For this scenario, is it possible to control Amanda/Zmanda backup…
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Amanda error: won't eject tape

Im trying to load some new media into my antique tape system. Running this command: amtape ARCHIVE eject gives me this response: amtape: slot 6 not ejected: Unloading Data Transfer Element into Storage Element 6...mtx: Request Sense: Long…
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2 answers

Amanda Backup between restricted networks [server and client not in same network]

We are planning to use Zmanda/Amanda community backup in our organisation. The problem we are facing is that we have our servers scattered at different data centers across globe, some are in client network, so we don't have seamless access to the…
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