Questions tagged [alpine]

Alpine Linux is a Linux distribution that prides itself on being small, simple, and secure. Alpine Linux is a common choice for running inside Docker containers.

Alpine Linux ( is a Linux distribution that prides itself on being small, simple, and secure. Alpine Linux is a common choice for running inside Docker containers.

92 questions
1 answer

Unable to ssh into running dropbear sshd. "Bad password attempt" ...But password is correct

For some reason, a running dropbear sshd i've got going in a Docker container is telling me Bad password attempt , even though i've doublechecked multiple times that both username and password is 100% correct. Dropbear is being started by…
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3 answers

Installing Shapely on Alpine docker

I am trying to move my project to docker and I've been using the alpine variant. This is a django project with postgres database Here is how i install the dependencies: ... ADD ./requirements.txt /srv/sites/mysite/requirements.txt RUN echo…
Amir Heshmati
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0 answers

Docker storage re-mounted in read-only mode when container is generating a lot of large file(20G+)

I am getting stuck with an issue for a couple of days, and hope someone here could help or give some hints. So here is the issue: when I am running some docker images which performs large I/O operations, the container become read-only in the middle…
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0 answers

Using PhangomJS in Docker Alpine

I am trying to use Jenkins as a docker container. For this purpose, I use the official docker image. As we have some integrations tests based on Selenium (Vaadin Workbench really), I need to run phantomjs as headless. The tests are executed…
King Midas
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1 answer

No php errors in Alpine/Nginx/PHP 7.1.2 with docker

I'm using Alpine / Nginx / PHP-FPM 7.1.2. I can't get PHP error's to display or output to the error.log in my Nginx server block. The access.log seems to work just fine. I've got this at the bottom of www.conf in…
Asa Carter
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2 answers

Wireguard on Alpine: automatically mount wg0 after boot

I have a wireguard installed on a Alpine server. It's working, but when I reboot the server, I'm obliged to manually execute wg-quick up wg0 wireguard:~# wg show wireguard:~# wg-quick up wg0 [#] [#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard [#] wg setconf wg0…
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1 answer

tail command retry flag not working with wildcards?

I want to tail a bunch of unknown directories names containing a particular non-existant file, e.g.: tail -F /tmp/*/app.log However that does not work as intended with the wildcard: if I create a file with that path, tail won't start following…
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1 answer

Nginx letsencrypt certificate permission denied

Context I'm running an nginx instance in an alpine docker container (nginx:stable-alpine). The goal is to use nginx as a reverse proxy for one (or multiple) docker containers which only have HTTP and turn them into HTTPS with this outside-facing…
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2 answers

How to get information about security updates for Alpine Linux?

I would like to get information that important package updates occured (e.g. connected with security updates) - so that I know, that I need to rebuild my Alpine-based images with apps. It could be sth similar to Debian's…
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2 answers

UsePAM not supported anymore

Running on an alpine docker image an SSH server. Starting the server I get the message: /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 24: Unsupported option UsePAM AFAIK UsePAM option has been supported for many years into OpenSSH. I'm running OpenSSH_8.1p1, OpenSSL…
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1 answer

Filezilla fail to connect Dropbear SSH server _ unexpected end-of-file

I install dropbear SSH server in Alpine OS dropbear config : DROPBEAR_OPTS=" -p 22 -K 9" ( p = port , K = keep-alive in seconds) now I can connect to SSH terminal in KVM ssh root@ but I can not connect to server via SFTP Filezilla…
1 answer

Mount merged partition at boot, fuse module missing

I have a merged partition from 3 different hard drives with mergerfs. I set it up following this tutorial. To automate the mounting I added instructions in the fstab : UUID=b3c8301c-5d12-4ab1-ab8c-9249e81978df / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered…
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1 answer

Can't turn SSL on a docker's nginx container

I'm new to docker and try to build an image based on Alpine to take care of my websites with HTTPS connexions. Currently i'm at the step to make it work from the container so i'm not finished yet with my Dockerfile my Dockerfile : FROM alpine RUN…
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2 answers

crond: can't set groups: Operation not permitted

This morning I upgraded my PHP version to 7.1 and am seeing an issue when cron tries to run php /var/www/html/artisan schedule:run (a simple PHP command) I see the output: 3/3/2017 10:39:00 AMcrond: can't set groups: Operation not permitted 3/3/2017…
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0 answers

Docker compose permission denied when PHP-FPM trying to create directory

I have this docker-compose I'm experimenting with. Im using fastCGI from Nginx to run the script. The docker-compose.yml: version: "3" services: psqldb: build: context: . dockerfile: docker/psql/Dockerfile args: …