Questions tagged [alienvault]

3 questions
0 answers

Is it possible to decapsulate ERSPAN and forward on RSPAN?

I am currently running into an issue where we are trying to send our network traffic from our physical infrastructure into a virtual Alienvualt appliance, but our switches are unable to send RSPAN traffic. Nexus 9k's support SPAN and…
1 answer

Ossim setup in AWS

I have setup OSSIM in my virtual box and its working fine. I tried to setup OSSIM in AWS cloud, but Alienvault stopped AMI for new customers. How you are doing this for PCI-DSS as we are SME prefer to go with opensource for log and file integrity…
1 answer

Alienvault OSSIM: What does "reliability" actually mean?

I know the "risk" calculation, but I don't understand what the variables in the calculation mean The risk calculation is ((asset * priority * reliability)/25) I don't quite understand what the individual variables in this equation are supposed to…
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