Questions tagged [address]

69 questions
1 answer

pfsense OpenVPN client address issue

First VPN client works like a charm (tunnel is -> assigned). But once another client logs on an identical IP is assigned. It looks there is no address pool to be defined!? pfsense 2.4.5 Windows 7 Client
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3 answers

using 192.170.130/24 as a subnet on the LAN

We have a client who has a 192.170.130/24 subnet on their LAN, which is being NATed to the WAN IP address from their ISP. Is this a good idea or should they be using an RFC1918 addresses on their LAN? Thanks
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Finding out the physical port number of a Network device with java

I would like to find out the physical port number (the connector itself!) of a Router where a series of devices are connected to. Finding their IP and MAC is not issue at all. Let's say, finding out that for example the device with IP or MAC xxx is…
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Multiple IP addresses in wireshark show the same mac address. What's going on?

I'm seeing an issue with a computer (running an embedded OS) transmitting over a network to an XP embedded machine. The computer has 10 physical ethernet ports, 9 of which are on this network. I have assigned in the application, each eth port to be…
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Finding the first and the last address for a given IP address

It is small question, but I can't figure out these things. Please help me in simply way how to do this. Consider the given ip address is From this how can I found the first ,last and the number of address in this network
2 answers

Linux Find Mac of IP address that connects to server

On Linux , How Can Find Mac of IP addreass of any user / computer that connected to server ? we use Centos + Iptables .
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Changing the IP address with a name

I have a web server (xampp) in a particular PC running on my LAN, and I added the following line in the 'hosts' file : mysite. Then, in another PC connected to the LAN, I'm trying to acces the previous web server by typing…
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Getting IP addresses through sniffing

Is it possible to know the gateway address of a wireless AP that I'm not connected to through sniffing? Airodump-ng can show MAC addresses of the AP and the clients associated but doesn't show IP addresses. Is there a way around this?
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What if you set your static IP to that of Google?

What prevents someone from setting their static IP to that of another server such as Google's servers? How is that prevented?
Justin Hou
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