I want to move a local directory to Alibaba Cloud OSS bucket using ossutil
The command I used to upload the video directory to OSS bucket - testbucket is ossutil cp -r video oss://testbucket
but it throws no such keyword error.
I want to move a local directory to Alibaba Cloud OSS bucket using ossutil
The command I used to upload the video directory to OSS bucket - testbucket is ossutil cp -r video oss://testbucket
but it throws no such keyword error.
Be aware of that [/] in the end of source dir.
Try this:
ossutil cp -r folder_name/ oss://bucket-name
Refer: https://github.com/aliyun/ossutil/issues/45#issuecomment-448818209
try this ossutil cp -r video/ oss://bucket testbucket
Refer: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/50452.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.3.3.1e5751a1SrXLBo
This worked for me.
Note: -r has to be at the end.
aliyun oss cp folder_name/ oss://bucket-name -r