I remember trying s3fs a year back, trying to use some S3 bucket as a FUSE filesystem. I remember it being quite laggy, especially when coupled with git operations on it (an oblivious system architect had a weird requirement like this).

Fast forward a few months, I discovered Lustre and AWS FSx for Lustre coupled with S3, which allegedly provides a very similar use case for it:

(aws fsx faq)

Amazon FSx for Lustre works natively with Amazon S3, making it easy for you process cloud data sets with high performance file systems. When linked to an S3 bucket, an FSx for Lustre file system transparently presents S3 objects as files and allows you to write results back to S3.

So how does Lustre compare performance-wise with FUSE filesystems for S3 such as s3fs (and other like goofys)?

Thanks :)

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