Windows Server 2016 not updating through WSUS discusses where the Server 2016 install would not talk to WSUS. I'm referencing it because of the GPO setting Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Internet Communication Management > Internet Communication Settings > Turn off access to all Windows Update features
If that's on somewhere else in GPO, it needs turned off. Note that it's not in Windows Update section of Administrative Templates, but rather System > Internet Communication Management, and so might not necessarily been included in your old WSUS GPO(s).
After that, for testing purposes, pick a server to work on, export (for backup) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate, delete the registry key, gpupdate /force, then
$MUSM = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager"
$MUSM.Services | select Name, IsDefaultAUService
If you are still pointing at a WSUS server, then I recommend gpresult /h c:\gpresult.htm and looking through the first section labeled Computer Details to determine if anything is still coming through on the Windows Update section. If the policy is still there, you could be looking at a DFS replication issue isn't pulling your GPO changes across the DCs.