I have old DB server Postgres 8.4 and Slony (slave, to which only a table replicates)
I'm trying to migrate to new server with Postgres 9.x without slony and slony deamon, I would later setup other replication.
My plan is:
1. OLD DB: pg_dumpall -U --clean > dump.sql
2. NEW DB: psql -U < dump.sql
I have some errors during migration, but it looks like errors due to the lack of SLONY on new server.
Is it correct? Can I ignore them?
3. Delete all objects related to SLONY to have a clean database, only with data.
How to do it?
I found this but I am not sure it describes every operation that should be done.
To sum up: I need help how to recover the database so that it is clean, without SLONY objects.