I have read this article: https://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph/wiki/Benchmark_Ceph_Cluster_Performance

But the problems is they benchmark a 4MB file while i need like to benchmark 1000 5kb file

Is there anyway to do it, like the dd if=/dev/null of={location} bs = {size} count = {numberoffile} oflag=dsync

1 Answers1


from man rados:

-b block_size
Set the block size for put/get/append ops and for write benchmarking.


bench seconds mode [ -b objsize ] [ -t threads ]
Note: -b objsize option is valid only in write mode.

This is also mentioned on the page you linked:

You can also add the -t parameter to increase the concurrency of reads and writes (defaults to 16 threads), or the -b parameter to change the size of the object being written (defaults to 4 MB).

To benchmark 1000 5KB object writes:

rados bench -p scbench 20 write -b 5120 -t 50
Gerald Schneider
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