This question is actually quite close to my requirement where, the Nginx configuration rewrites the URL for $1.

Reproduced here:

location  /foo {
  rewrite /foo/(.*) /$1  break;
  proxy_pass         http://localhost:3200;
  proxy_redirect     off;
  proxy_set_header   Host $host;

Whereas, in my case the original URL may have any number of levels of nesting and query parameters My requirement is to maintain those levels and prepend a level.


Original URL: https://apis.demo.com/books/12414

Desired URL: http://localhost:3000/prepend/books/12414

Original URL: https://apis.demo.com/books/12414?find=meta

Desired URL: http://localhost:3000/prepend/books/12414?find=meta

Original URL: https://apis.demo.com/library/LIB001/books/12414

Desired URL: http://localhost:3000/prepend/library/LIB001/books/12414

Original URL: https://apis.demo.com/library/LIB001/books/12414/history

Desired URL: http://localhost:3000/prepend/library/LIB001/books/12414/history

How do we achieve this?

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