I am transfering large media files to my local machine over an SSHFS mount. I am not too concerned about speed and want to provide a better QOS to other network services and so want to limit the bandwidth for these transfers.

I can't seem to find an option for this in the man page - how can I achieve this?

# uname -a
Linux core1 4.19.68-coreos #1 SMP Wed Sep 4 02:59:18 -00 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
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1 Answers1


One way would be to use a combination of iptables MARK to tag traffic to/from port 22 and traffic control tc to limit the egress rate of matched packets using a suitable qdisc.

An easier if less flexible way to get this working would be to pipe your sending process through pv (pipe viewer) using the --rate-limit and --buffer-size switches: https://linux.die.net/man/1/pv. You don't say if you're using a cli command like cp or rsync, or a gui desktop drag-and-drop to transfer your files. Using pv is likely a nonstarter if you're using a gui.

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  • 2 very cool answers, I'm using [sonarr](https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr) so I guess just cp from the filesystem's perspective - I'll try the first one as the second one would be tricky with sonarr – dippynark Sep 29 '19 at 17:27
  • Could you post an example for `tc` and/or add more relevant documentation? – mgutt Aug 24 '21 at 14:41