
I want to block some adult content from YouTube.

Can MikroTik routers block certain Youtube Channels? Or certain content from YouTube?

Doug Deden
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1 Answers1


Well, yes and no. You can block specific videos from YouTube, but as far as I know, not a certain YouTube channel due the format of YouTube URLs.

Through RouterOS, you can accomplish this using one of these two methods:

1) You can create Layer 7 Protocol specifications in the Firewall section, and then firewall rules to block them;

2) You can enable RouterOS built-in web-proxy and block them there.

Hope that helps.

Best regards.

Stefano Martins
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  • YouTube uses TLS. You cannot block specific content (URLs) using L7 filters or the built-in web proxy. The most you can do is block the domain name using those methods. – Cha0s Dec 06 '19 at 11:27