I'm trying to figure out why our server has been block at Spamhaus. It comes up with:
139.162.208.xxx is listed in the XBL, because it appears in:
CBL Lookup
Following the link, it says:
This IP address is infected with, or is NATting for a machine infected with the "nymaim" malicious botnet.
"nymaim" is also known as "Gamarue".
More information about Gamarue can be obtained from Proofpoint, and Microsoft.
Gamarue is involved with a variety of malicious things, including backdoor downloads, Banking Trojans and Ransomware.
This was detected by a TCP connection from "139.162.208.xxx" on port "36752" going to IP address "216.218.185.xxx" (the sinkhole) on port "80".
The botnet command and control domain for this connection was "www.ltaet.com".
This detection corresponds to a connection at Mon Sep 9 09:48:26 2019 UTC (this timestamp is believed accurate to within one second).
How would you go about cleaning this up? I've tried a few malware detection tools, but none of them ever come up with anything.
The OS is Ubuntu 16.04