Currently I have a network setup like this:

  • Router (aka. OuterRouter) to connect to the Internet (localIP:, externalIP: <whatever, provided by ISP>)
  • Router (aka. InnerRouter) for local network. This router uses its external address to connect to the Internet via OuterRouter. It has its address assigned by OuterAddress to, let's say This router is a DHCP for local devices and manages network of
  • A device connected to LAN via InnerRouter that has a local IP of

I cannot access OuterRouter management portal from any local device since it is different network. How do I configure InnerRouter to allow any local device to access OuterRouter's management portal available on the address of

Ideally, what I would like to have is a local address that is routed to OuterRouter's local network address How do I do that?


  • while been in OuterRouter's local network (by connecting my notebook with a cable to that router) I can access its admin panel by going to
  • while been in InnerRouter's local network (wifi or cable connected to InnerRouter) I cannot type in since it is not recognised (different network)

What I want is to be able to access admin panel via http address: in InnerRouter's local network and get to OuterRouter's local address (over http)

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    Your claim that "I cannot access OuterRouter management portal from any local device since it is different network" doesn't make sense. There is no reason why being on a different network would cause you to be unable to access the site. After all, every site on the Internet is on a different network, and you can access all of them. Something else must be happening. – Michael Hampton Jun 16 '19 at 16:05
  • It is available under OuterRouter's local IP address, so what should I type in? My device's IP is of subnet whilst OuterRouter's locals are @MichaelHampton Please, check more details in my question – SOReader Jun 16 '19 at 21:10

1 Answers1


You need a static route on the outer router for the 10 network that points to the inner router interface , and a default route on the inner router that points to the outer one.

Ron Trunk
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