I have created an user but with some errors, error on smtp: SMTP SIP etc... I changed it on Active Directory OU sync to azure but the values set after creation on office 365 and exchange is still the same (the .onmicrosoft.com alias wasn't create at the beginning and now this value doesn't want to change) I try to sync with PowerShell command : Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta , and I check on synchronization manager and I still have the same value
Viewed 24 times
Please rephrase your question. As it is, we don't understand what your problem is or what you're asking. – joeqwerty May 17 '19 at 13:52
please ask me what you don't understand… for sum up sync from ad azure to exchange 365 fail for aliases (smtp:,SIP:, SMTP) – jojo the frite May 17 '19 at 15:42