I've to intercept a pattern in a log file and, when this pattern is matched for 5 times in 5 minutes, send an alert...

I've wrote this lines, but I'm stuck... I don't know how to handle the time frame...

Can you help me please?


$count = get-content test.txt -Tail 1 -Wait | select-string -pattern "auth" -simplematch

I've tried other approach, but nothing to do...

$file = "test.txt"
$mymatch = "auth"
#$FirstEventTime = Get-Date
#$LastEventTime = Get-Date
$Err = 0
$Range =@(1,2,3,4)
$Tailfile = Get-Content $file -Tail 1 -Wait | select-string -pattern $mymatch -simplematch | foreach ($mymatch) {
    if($Err -lt 1){
        New-Event -SourceIdentifier StartEvent -Sender windows.timer
    #elseif ($Err -eq [1-4])
    elseif ($Range -contains $Err){
        $Err++ }
    else {
        New-Event -SourceIdentifier LastEvent -Sender windows.timer
        $FisrtEvent = (get-event StartEvent).TimeGenerated
        $LastEvent = (get-event LastEvent).TimeGenerated
        $Elapsed = $LastEvent-$FisrtEvent
        $realElasped = ($elapsed).TotalMinutes

            if ($realElasped -lt 5) {
                echo "sendmail......"
                $Err = 0}
            else {
            $Err = 0
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2 Answers2


Number of occurrences in an interval is a useful alert condition, but it is a non-trivial program to write. Most simple tail implementations don't have such a feature.

Consider implementing a log aggregation system that has extensible alert conditions. For example, Graylog has X messages in Y minutes. Yes, it is a much bigger project than tailing one log. However it can ingest event log and syslog as well, and do similar things for any event from any host.

John Mahowald
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  • You're absolutely right John! We've Kafka and other Apache friends in the serverfarm! Unfortunately I've some servers in a segregated network that cannot reaches hosts in severfarm subnets... – ilRobby May 13 '19 at 14:31

Just for who has the same need, I've fixed my script and now it works!

$MailArgs = @{
    From = bla, bla, bla....

$file = "Test.txt"
$FolderLogs = "E:\TMP"
$mymatch1 = "autentica"
$mymatch2 = "WS ERROR"
$Err = 0
$Range =@(1,2,3,4)
$Tailfile = Get-Content $file -Tail 1 -Wait | ?{ $_ -match $mymatch1 -and $_ -match $mymatch2 } | ForEach-Object {
    if($Err -lt 1){
        New-Event -SourceIdentifier StartEvent -Sender windows.timer
    elseif ($Range -contains $Err) {
    else {
        New-Event -SourceIdentifier LastEvent -Sender windows.timer
        $FisrtEvent = (get-event StartEvent).TimeGenerated
        $LastEvent = (get-event LastEvent).TimeGenerated
        $Elapsed = $LastEvent-$FisrtEvent
        $realElasped = ($elapsed).TotalMinutes

        if ($realElasped -lt 5) {
            Send-MailMessage @MailArgs 2>&1 > $FolderLogs\MailLogs.txt
            $Err = 0
        else {
            $Err = 0
Gerald Schneider
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