I am trying to setup a barebones VPC connection within the same AWS account.
- VPC-A and Subnet-A have CIDR:
- VPC-B and Subnet-B have CIDR:
Each VPC contains one EC2 instance
- (in VPC-A, Subnet-A), let's call it EC2-A
- (in VPC-B, Subnet-B), let's call it EC2-B
I have added the following route to the route table that is associated with both VPC-A and Subnet-A, which should route traffic from VPC-A to VPC-B based on the CIDR range of VPC-B
- (Dest | Target): 10.200.2/24 | PCX-123
(where PCX-123 is the ID of the VPC Peering Connection)
The security group associated with EC2-A and EC2-B allow all inbound and outbound traffic.
NACL for both networks are allowing all traffic
When I SSH into EC2-A, and try to ping EC2-B, I get timeout.
... timeout
What am I missing?
- I tried asking in stackoverflow, but it was deemed off topic
- Yes, it in conceptually the same question as cannot ping ec2 in another vpc through peer connection, but this question is dead, the asker never responded or followed up.