I installed SQL Server Express 2008 with Advanced Services on a 64 bit Windows Server 2008 Standalone. I am setting up the Reporting Services with Reporting Services Config. Manager. As far as I can tell, all goes well during installation. When I surf to the web services URL, http://localhost/ReportServer, I am presented with an username/password dialog. I've tried all of the logins that I know about on my box, but nothing works. I tried my logon, the one I use to log onto the server, and I have tried "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" (I left the password blank for this, because I do not know what it is). When using my server log on username, I also tried to preface it with my machines name, "foo\My Name" (am i correct that the machine name is the default domain name in the case of a box not in a domain?).

Any ideas, or is this not enough info?


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1 Answers1


Check the Authentication section of the Directory Security tab of the ReportServer virtual directory in your localhost IIS manager snap-in. It should probably be set for Integrated Authentication for best security, and that might resolve you permissions problems.

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