I have configured kerberos authentication in apache with a php-fpm drupal backend.

Checking the apache logs it looks fine at first glance but somehow it seems that the authenticated user gets lost somewhere.

enter image description here

enter image description here

The Drupal Watchdog Logs say:

enter image description here

Does this try to hint that the php-fpm process does not get the $_Server[Remote_User] Variable? Does Apache mod_auth_kerb authenticate the user while php doesn't? Could I pass that server envar to php-fpm somehow?

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1 Answers1


Okay if fixed this by simply adding a print_r($_SERVER) for debugging in an index.php and disabling drupal.
It turns out that the correct Variable is $_SERVER[Redirected_Remote_USER] maybe because of php-fpm.

As the Drupal LDAP SSO Module even has field with a help text beneath telling "...or either Redirect_Remote_User" it was easy to fix it after debugging.

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