Since this morning I have this error

Err :18 http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable Release.gpg The following signatures are not valid : KEYEXPIRED 1555048520 KEYEXPIRED 1555048520 KEYEXPIRED 1555048520 KEYEXPIRED 1555048520

when I'm running

sudo apt-get update -y

I searched some solutions but I didn't find the good one on google so ... I'm here

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  • Apparently, google's signing key expired, so we just need to wait until they put out a new one. After they did just run `wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -` to fix your problem. – jangxx Apr 12 '19 at 08:29
  • I still have the problem – Thomas COUMES Apr 12 '19 at 08:37
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    Did you read my comment? You have to wait until google puts out a new signing key. Until they do it, there is nothing we can do about the problem. – jangxx Apr 12 '19 at 08:43
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    most probably the same as https://askubuntu.com/questions/1133199/the-following-signatures-were-invalid-expkeysig-1397bc53640db551 – Gerald Schneider Apr 12 '19 at 09:46

3 Answers3


This is an ongoing problem that only seems to hit Google Chrome. In order to avoid seeing warnings, one can temporarily turn off the repository for GC.

  • Seeing this happen today as well. Disabling the repository may work, as Google Chrome can update itself. If it can't, it will show an icon for you to start the update. – Ismael Miguel Apr 12 '19 at 16:56

wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -


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To get rid of the problem (temporary) use --allow-unauthenticated in the apt command and wait until google fix the signing key.

You can check it from time to time by calling

curl 'https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub' | gpg