Using a NAS box as 24/7 file server, I'd like to use sshfs to connect to it from an Ubuntu 9.04 desktop. Currently, I have this line in the desktop's fstab:

sshfs#jldugger@storage:/mnt/HD_a2/    /mnt/storage    fuse   comment=sshfs,auto,users,exec,uid=1000,gid=1000,allow_other,reconnect,transform_symlinks,BatchMode=yes,fsname=sshfs#jldugger@storage/mnt/HD_a2/ 0 0

I can confirm it works with mount /mnt/storage. What I need is some method of mounting it at startup, but after the network connection is established.

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5 Answers5


Currently, Upstart in Ubuntu does not generate network events. Instead it calls traditional sysvinit. By default NetworkManager is installed and running; rather than emit network events to upstart, it contains a run-parts dispatcher (/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/) which itself simply relies on ifupdown's run-parts dispatcher (/etc/network/*.d/). In particular you care about /etc/network/if-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-down.d/

First set up a unencrypted ssh keypair, so you can mount the point without a prompt. Write a script, place it in /etc/network/if-up.d/ and make executable. The following was discovered on UbuntuForums and was sufficient for me:

## http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=430312
## The script will attempt to mount any fstab entry with an option
## "...,comment=$SELECTED_STRING,..."
## Use this to select specific sshfs mounts rather than all of them.

# Not for loopback
[ "$IFACE" != "lo" ] || exit 0

## define a number of useful functions

## returns true if input contains nothing but the digits 0-9, false otherwise
## so realy, more like isa_positive_integer 
isa_number () {
    ! echo $1 | egrep -q '[^0-9]'
    return $?

## returns true if the given uid or username is that of the current user
am_i () {
        [ "$1" = "`id -u`" ] || [ "$1" = "`id -un`" ]

## takes a username or uid and finds it in /etc/passwd
## echoes the name and returns true on success
## echoes nothing and returns false on failure 
user_from_uid () {
    if isa_number "$1"
                # look for the corresponding name in /etc/passwd
        local IFS=":"
        while read name x uid the_rest
                if [ "$1" = "$uid" ]
                                echo "$name"
                                return 0
        done </etc/passwd
        # look for the username in /etc/passwd
        if grep -q "^${1}:" /etc/passwd
                echo "$1"
                return 0
    # if nothing was found, return false
        return 1

## Parses a string of comma-separated fstab options and finds out the 
## username/uid assigned within them. 
## echoes the found username/uid and returns true if found
## echoes "root" and returns false if none found
uid_from_fs_opts () {
        local uid=`echo $1 | egrep -o 'uid=[^,]+'`
        if [ -z "$uid" ]; then
                # no uid was specified, so default is root
                echo "root"
                return 1
                # delete the "uid=" at the beginning
                uid_length=`expr length $uid - 3`
                uid=`expr substr $uid 5 $uid_length`
                echo $uid
                return 0

# unmount all shares first
sh "/etc/network/if-down.d/umountsshfs"

while read fs mp type opts dump pass extra
    # check validity of line
    if [ -z "$pass" -o -n "$extra" -o "`expr substr ${fs}x 1 1`" = "#" ]; 
        # line is invalid or a comment, so skip it

    # check if the line is a selected line
    elif echo $opts | grep -q "comment=$SELECTED_STRING"; then

        # get the uid of the mount
        mp_uid=`uid_from_fs_opts $opts`

        if am_i "$mp_uid"; then
                        # current user owns the mount, so mount it normally
                        { sh -c "mount $mp" && 
                                echo "$mp mounted as current user (`id -un`)" || 
                                echo "$mp failed to mount as current user (`id -un`)"; 
                        } &
                elif am_i root; then
                        # running as root, so sudo mount as user
                        if isa_number "$mp_uid"; then
                                # sudo wants a "#" sign icon front of a numeric uid
                        { sudo -u "$mp_uid" sh -c "mount $mp" && 
                                echo "$mp mounted as $mp_uid" || 
                                echo "$mp failed to mount as $mp_uid"; 
                        } &
                        # otherwise, don't try to mount another user's mount point
                        echo "Not attempting to mount $mp as other user $mp_uid"
                        echo "Not attempting to mount $mp as other user $mp_uid"
    # if not an sshfs line, do nothing
done </etc/fstab


If you have a wifi or otherwise unreliable connection, place the following in /etc/network/if-down.d/:

# Not for loopback!
[ "$IFACE" != "lo" ] || exit 0

# comment this for testing
exec 1>/dev/null # squelch output for non-interactive

# umount all sshfs mounts
mounted=`grep 'fuse.sshfs\|sshfs#' /etc/mtab | awk '{ print $2 }'`
[ -n "$mounted" ] && { for mount in $mounted; do umount -l $mount; done; }
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    This worked great for me. I will note that I changed the `echo` commands that were outputing to stdout to `logger -t mountsshfs` commands instead so the output would go to syslog. – Matthew Apr 10 '12 at 14:35

_netdev as a mount option should solve this, I believe

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  • i know, ubuntu and centos are not the same... but in centos anyways, this is the correct way to have /etc/init.d/netfs handle sshfs mounts. which will be called after the network has been brought up. – anonymous-one Sep 14 '12 at 16:32

Upstart is the preferred method of issuing startup scripts or services in Ubuntu now, although editing /etc/rc.local still works. Upstart allows you to control when the service is run, making sure it happens after initiating your network connection.

It's also possible to edit the symlinks in /etc/rc.X.d directly, (substitute X for the run-level you are using) and add a name such as S99mount to ensure that it's run after the network setup. This will need to point to a script file that mounts the sshfs you are requesting.

Dave K
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Just a thought, but if you're using this as a file server, maybe NFS or Samba would be a better solution than ssh.

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Here is another solution in case you don't have a certificate from your remote host and have to use a login/password instead. I'm using in this example the same username and directories used by jldugger to avoid adding confusion.

  1. Create a file containing your password in your home directory, and secure it:

    echo 'YourRemoteUserPassword' > ~jldugger/.credentials
    chmod 600 ~jldugger/.credentials
  2. Edit your /etc/rc.local file and insert the following command at the bottom, but before the "exit 0":

    sshfs -o password_stdin -o nonempty jldugger@storage:/mnt/HD_a2/ /mnt/storage < ~jldugger/.credentials
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