I'm managing an Elasticsearch deployment in Kubernetes. I see that the disk storage is getting close to full, so I would like to increase the size of the persistent volumes.
I want to change this value in the Stateful Set:
volumeClaimTemplates[0].spec.resources.requests.storage : "10Gi"
But when I do this using the Kubernetes-dashboard, I get the following message:
Internal server error
StatefulSet.apps "es-cluster" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset > spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden.
This makes me think that I will have to delete my existing Stateful Set and deploy a new one.
Is it possible to increase the per-pod disk storage without a service interruption or loss of data?
Additional detail
I have multiple Elasticsearch data pods and am using replica count=1, so if I am able to take them down and upgrade the disk storage one pod at a time, there shouldn't be a problem. I just don't see how to do this given the restriction indicated above.