I have an Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS running Pure-Ftpd (installed from ubuntu repos). I need to change file and directory permission to - respectively - 664 (default is 644) and 775 (this is default).

I have maded changes to /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf umask line from 133:022 to 113:022 and restarted pure-ftpd service but nothing changed after uploading a file and a directory Filezilla 3.40 in sftp mode.

I have found this thread and changed the line:

Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

by adding -u 0002 at the end. Of course after this I did restart the service with service ssh restart. Still nothing. Does anybody know what I should change to get the desired permissions on files uploaded via sftp?

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1 Answers1


I have found an answer. It's quite simple. First of all I should configure umask parameter inside /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/Umask (I need to create this file) in form 002 002 (files directories). Secondly (for sftp) inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config I changed subsystem line to:

Subsystem       sftp    /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server -u 002

and finally I did two restarts:

/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart
/etc/init.d/ssh restart
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