Client is connecting to Host A using OpenVPN.

  • Client can now reach Host B (Routes created on Client machine by OpenVPN client)
  • Host B can now reach Client (Routes manually created on Host B)

When Client does an HTTP request to Host B, Host B sees Host As IP address. This is normal and how the VPN should work.

How can I port forward from Host A to Client, so that Host B does not need to know Host As address?

  • *"What is the best solution so that Host B sees Client's IP address instead?"* - That should only happen when traffic from the Client to HostB is NOT routed over the VPN connection, along the lines of [this Q&A](https://serverfault.com/q/487468/37681). Is that what you want? – HBruijn Feb 01 '19 at 13:18
  • I actually want to route traffic from `Host B` to `Client`. During `Request/Response` context this works, as NAT table will figure routing out. Would this connection be possible, using `Host A`s ip, but AFTER NAT table is cleared? Maybe some sort of `OpenVPN server` to `client` port forwarding? I will rephrase question – MichaelAttard Feb 01 '19 at 13:24

1 Answers1


Without using OpenVPN myself, I would say the VPN machine is using NAT and though hiding the client IP addresses.

This link may explane how to do it.

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