I have added this code to the top of my page and it is executed when a user login.


My intention is to increase the session life time to +1 day since the last access. But for some reason this is not working, session expires after an indefinite x amount of time even though my browser indicates that the session will expire +1 day when i check the console. I am running my web application on apache and an ubuntu environment. By doing a few search in my info.php file i found this as my local value

session.cookie_lifetime 0
session.gc_divisor  1000    
session.gc_maxlifetime  86400
session.gc_probability  1

To my best of knowledge i think ubuntu is doing gabbage collection in the /var/lib/php/sessions folder with cron jobs because i am using windows as a development environment and i don't see any of that happen.

my question is. Have i done anything wrong or am i right to say ubuntu is doing gabbage collection,so it will be advisable to change the session.save_path and if so what is the best way to that esp allowing permissions

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  • Change `session.gc_maxlifetime` to double the current value and it should work for you. – wurtel Jan 14 '19 at 16:01
  • Can i you explain further why should it be so b'cos it was half of that i.e 43200 and i doubled it to 86400 and i still have the same issues ...............so why would 2*86400 work for me – boonu Jan 14 '19 at 17:19
  • Is there maybe some other script that overrides these prarmeters? If so, then using your own `session.save_path` could make sense. Put it under some directory under your own control, but outside the document root. It needs to be writeable by the webserver user, probably www-data. Note that you are expicitly setting a cookie lifetime, which is only used to identify the session, the session data is separate from the cookie. And setting `session.cookie_lifetime` is probably easier than your way. – wurtel Jan 15 '19 at 07:44
  • Thanks for your suggestion but i tried my suggestions and it worked well for me – boonu Jan 25 '19 at 12:27
  • i created a new folder to hold my session bcos ubuntu does routine clean up of session variables which is 30 minutes old ................... – boonu Jan 25 '19 at 12:29

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