In my company, we have an ec2-instance, of which I didn't have any knowledge about. My predecessor would have created that and didn't provide any information about that.

Now suddenly something stopped working, and on the investigation, found out that php-fpm has stopped on that instance. Now I have to log in to that instance and restart the service. The issue is I don't have the .pem file or ssh port for that server.

For pem file, I created an AMI and started a new server from that image with a new PEM file. Now I have got the pem file but I don't know the ssh port. I tried all the default and other ports which are used in my company, but nothing works.

sh-3.2#ssh -i company_sydney.pem -p  22  ec2-user@xx.xx.xx.xx
ssh: connect to host xx.xx.xx.xx port 22: Connection refused

Now I want to find the ssh open port to that server. I tried to search for any such utility, but no success.

This is my brute force approach for the problem to find ssh port

for i in {1..65535} 
    ssh -i company_sydney.pem -p  $i  ec2-user@xx.xx.xx.xx

Is there any other way to get this done or any such utility already available.

Edit My question in not about missing PEM file, I do have the file. I am looking for tools and help in port searching.

Output of nmap

sh-3.2$ nmap xx.xx.xx.xx
Starting Nmap 7.50 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-12-12 12:59 IST
Stats: 0:02:47 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing Connect Scan
Connect Scan Timing: About 48.85% done; ETC: 13:04 (0:02:55 remaining)
Nmap scan report for ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com (xx.xx.xx.xx)
Host is up (0.34s latency).
Not shown: 571 closed ports, 426 filtered ports
21/tcp open  ftp
53/tcp open  domain
80/tcp open  http
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 532.29 seconds

Security Group Details:

enter image description here

Port 21 is not the SSH Port

Edit 2 I found out the ssh port using the brute force method. But I am still curious for tools like Nmap or something else, which could have been used for this purpose. Is there any tool, that does the same thing as my small shell script.

2 Answers2


If you have access to the AWS console, get into EC2 check which security group the instance belongs to check all ports - the previous admin may have labelled the SSH port.

Or use nmap to scan the ports on your instance.

nmap <IP_Address>

If ICMP is blocked, try

nmap -Pn <IP_Address>

For more details on the services running on the discovered ports, try

nmap -v -A <IP_Address>
nmap -v -A -Pn <IP_Address>

The following command does exactly what I am doing with the shell script, but this command takes too much time.

nmap -p 1-65535 <IP ADDESS>

Output of following command

Nmap scan report for ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com (xx.xx.xx.xx)

Host is up (0.22s latency).

Not shown: 62854 closed ports, 1678 filtered ports

21/tcp    open  ftp
53/tcp    open  domain
80/tcp    open  http
22777/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11840.36 seconds

The commands given in other answer didn't provide me with the 22777 port, which I was searching for.

Other useful nmap commands