In /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf have added

omapi-port 7911;
omapi-key testkey;

key testkey {
  algorithm hmac-sha256;
  secret QUt1z1O3fxqgSDKILAMXFA==;

but it won't let me connect when I do

# systemctl restart dhcpd
# omshell 
> server localhost
> key testkey QUt1z1O3fxqgSDKILAMXFA==
> connect
dhcpctl_connect: not found

The key were generated by

# dnssec-keygen -a hmac-sha256 -b 128 -n USER dhcpupdate
# cat Kdhcpupdate.+163+41847.*
dhcpupdate. IN KEY 0 3 163 QUt1z1O3fxqgSDKILAMXFA==
Private-key-format: v1.3
Algorithm: 163 (HMAC_SHA256)
Key: QUt1z1O3fxqgSDKILAMXFA==
Bits: AAA=
Created: 20181123141544
Publish: 20181123141544
Activate: 20181123141544


Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

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1 Answers1


hmac-sha256 changed to HMAC-SHA256 or use HMAC-MD5


omapi-port 7911;
key omapi_key {
     algorithm HMAC-MD5;
     secret WRcLh5+g2U7kBL6u7+9kh6jv2OwHAQFlLOYUnBfYvmVFutggwGdzIeJL7dnbc5ROdmhl6Eg28wQ61Q==;
omapi-key omapi_key;
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