I built a state file in salt to copy a list of check_mk Nagios scripts down to the remote server. Below is a snip of the state file.

    - name: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local
    - source: salt://{{ slspath }}/files/cmk_checks
    - user: nagios
    - group: users
    - file_mode: 754
    - dir_mode: 755
    - require:
      - check_mk_agent_installed

The funny thing is, when I run the sls state directly everything works. See below.

    salt-call state.sls dev.roles.srvr.system_conf.check_mk    
                  ID: check_mk_defined_checks
            Function: file.recurse
                Name: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local
              Result: True
             Comment: The directory /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local is in the correct state
             Started: 20:54:29.105625
            Duration: 1475.026 ms

However, when I run it as apart of a highstate I get the following error.

          ID: check_mk_defined_checks
    Function: file.recurse
        Name: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local
      Result: False
     Comment: Recurse failed: none of the specified sources were found
     Started: 20:45:19.369238
    Duration: 917.113 ms

I have spent way to much time working on this. I can not use the recurse function in any state or I get the same results. It works when you call the state directly but not as apart of a highstate.

Any help anyone can provide would be great.


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  • Have you tried hardcoding the `{{ slspath }}` part? – Marcus Nov 16 '18 at 19:18
  • Yes. If I hardcode the path it will work. However, that solution will not work for me because I have 3 environments, dev, test, and prod. Each environment has their own path. Thus the reason I have the {{ slspath }} jinja variable specified. – Edwardcode Nov 26 '18 at 16:46

1 Answers1


The source files/cmk_checks needs to be present in all environments and the paths on the master will be environment specific.

It's likely your salt-call run is executing the state in different environment than your highstate. You should run salt-call state.sls with saltenv=… argument.

A. Z.
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  • holee crepe thank you so much. I so often have doubts about using saltstack... this solution even worked on 2015.5.10 (Lithium), – Richard Apr 02 '19 at 03:43