Consider the following simplified setup:
All devices are IPv6 enabled.
Interfaces are configured in a way that we have 3 networks as shown.
Router advertisments are enabled on both routers R1 & R2.
Because of router advertisemsents, SW2 has now two gateways to ::/0 networks. So when I ping SW1 from SW2, everything is okay. However, when I ping SW3 from SW2, it's unreachable.
When I check in the wireshark, I find that SW2 contacts only R1 for outside networks, even if these networks are unreachble.
I'm okay that SW2 contacts R1 first. But shouldn't SW2 try to contact R2 when R1 gives destination unreachable?
I mean I would expect that when one router gives destination unreachable, the host should try to contact the next gateway for this network.