I have a docker setup for LEMP stack that I cloned from this repo.

Everything works nicely on my development machine running window 10, but when I push the image to docker hub and pull it on my VPS no matter what I do I always get this error:

[emerg] 1#1: host not found in upstream "php-fpm:9000" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf:1

This error is coming from two files.

First: From this Nginx Docker file

Here is the code:

RUN echo "upstream php-upstream { server ${PHP_UPSTREAM_CONTAINER}:${PHP_UPSTREAM_PORT}; }" > /etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf \
&& rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

Second From this Nginx default.conf file

Here is the code:

    location ~ \.php$ {
      fastcgi_pass php-upstream;

I say these two files are the cause b/c there is no reference of php-upstream elsewhere.

I have tried every possible combination of adding/removing hosts, adding depends_on, changing nginx, php version, disabling selinux but it just doesn't work. I always get the same error on production, but on local server everything works.

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  • Did you ever figure this out? I have run into this same issue. Docker compose and my nginx config works fine on Windows, but not when I try to use the exact same things on my Mac. I have noticed that, for me, the issue only started when I switched from doing `image: nginx:latest` in the yml file to using `build: context: .nginx` and having a dockerfile in the my nginx folder. – Jyosua Jul 16 '19 at 01:46
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    oh man, yes i figured it out but I forgot :) I remember spending days but somehow either i found out by chance or someone told me and I can't remember. But I have a docker-compose for lemp stack which i made after i resolved the issue and now I just pull and run compose and it works. it has php-fpm, nginx, mariadb ... let me know if interested. – samayo Jul 16 '19 at 10:45
  • Yeah, if you don't mind dropping me a link to it, I would greatly appreciate it!!! – Jyosua Jul 16 '19 at 15:04
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    Ok, I have been meaning to push this but didn't have time. I did a quick dusting and tested it, it works. Just clone and run `docker-compose up -d` check link https://github.com/samayo/docker-simple-lemp – samayo Jul 16 '19 at 16:50
  • Also I remember the error was related to a network. A docker network must be created to avoid the upstream error, let me know if my repo doesn't work or if it works – samayo Jul 16 '19 at 16:52
  • Yeah, in my case, I already had a network defined and it worked on windows, but not on mac, which is why it was weird. On my mac, it also worked when I used image instead of build, too. I'll check out your repo tonight and see if it works for me on my mac. – Jyosua Jul 16 '19 at 18:51
  • So, that error looks to me like it's trying to resolve what "php-fpm:9000" is, and failing. [This line](https://github.com/matchish/skeleton/blob/f37b87273f2a37ce873abf68c772dba0ff983f3d/nginx/Dockerfile#L12) sets the variable, is there something different on your local machine than what's in production? Are you deploying using the same docker-compose.yml file? From what I can tell it looks like you need to have the php-fpm container running before you can run the nginx container. – Jon Buys Oct 11 '18 at 19:57
  • The machine is just a simple centos7 vps, nothing installed except `yum update` ..how do I maka php-fpm run after the nginx container? – samayo Oct 15 '18 at 18:29
  • If you're using `docker-compose` add `depends_on: [php-fpm]` to the configuration of the `nginx` service. This will start nginx after php-fpm. Take a look at the [documentation](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#depends_on) – Nicolai Fröhlich Oct 17 '18 at 16:59

2 Answers2


nginx fails to resolve the hostname php-fpm and therefore refuses to start.

There is a simple workaround which - in this case - results in a 502 - Bad Gateway until nginx is able to resolve the upstream's hostname: Put the upstream address into a variable!

Further you should manually point nginx to docker's internal DNS with the resolver option. The docker internal DNS server is always at as to be found in the documentation.

    set $upstream php-fpm:9000;
    # nginx will now start if host is not reachable
    fastcgi_pass    $upstream; 
  • thanks, but this does not work. I spent 3 hours, the only difference is now my app doesn't even run on my local machine. I get `502 - Bad Gateway` on local (which used to work) but I get the same issue on production as well, so this answer actually was a regression – samayo Oct 15 '18 at 18:45
  • what happens if you ommit the `resolver` line? Does it still not work? I am 100% sure that the "trick" to put the upstream address into a variable works very well with any container setup. While your problem of the nginx container not being able to communicate with the php-fpm container might have a different cause it's still a good practice to include this trick in order to prevent a non-starting nginx container i.e. upon system restart. – Nicolai Fröhlich Oct 17 '18 at 17:04
  • I actually removed images, and now I am only using docker-compose to install the libraries, and I upload the compose file in my prod machine to install the same libs, so I can have the same environment in both dev/prod machines, because the whole image create, push, pull does not work. I hired someone on upwork.com and he said the issue was with the network, I run `docker create new network my-network` e.t.c... and it partially work but with more problem. So, the issue I am sure is with docker network and not php, nginx upstream – samayo Oct 17 '18 at 21:23
  • Adding also `proxy_pass $upstream;` solved the problem for me. – rémy Jan 20 '20 at 07:45

i have same problem, i can solved by added links to php-fpm like this:

      context: ./php-fpm
      - ../www:/var/www/html
      - database
      - database:db      

      context: ./nginx
      - ../www:/var/www/html
      - ./nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
      - ./nginx/sites/:/etc/nginx/sites-available
      - ./nginx/conf.d/:/etc/nginx/conf.d     
      - ./nginx/log/:/var/log/nginx
      - "8080:80"
      - "443:443"
      - php-fpm
      - php-fpm
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