I am on an Ubuntu box that uses systemd-resolved to resolve host names.

I would like to configure it, systemd-resolved, to use a DNS server, different than the main ones, just for some particular domain.

Is that possible? I am finding systemd-resolved man page pretty arduous in that regard.

Update: BTW, I know I can do that using a local bind or dnsmasq server, but I would prefer to stick to using just systemd-resolved if possible and not overcomplicate my setup.

Update 2: I have been told on the systemd IRC channel that this can not be done :-(

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    I was assuming it was with [SetDNS/SetLinkDNS](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/resolved/) was created for this purpose. Thanks for asking. – danblack Oct 11 '18 at 03:17
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    I know, it's an old question, but if someone (like me) stumbles over this when searching for a solution: [this unix.stackexchange question](https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/442599/74722) was helpful to me (works when you want to use the link-DNS, but seems to be easy to change the DNS for the link and get the behaviour you want out of it. – Boris Sep 18 '20 at 07:30

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