so i have this playbook, which checking, if there are installed selected packages. nothing special there. Then i would like to send an output to my email, if everything went right etc.

 - name: Install basic apps
   hosts: some hosts from inventory
   become: yes
     - name: load global variables
               file: /etc/ansible/vars/global.yml
               name: global

     - name: install MC
               name: mc
               state: present
       register: mc

     - debug:
             var: mc

     - name: install HTOP
               name: htop
               state: present
       register: htop

     - name: install TMUX
               name: tmux
               state: present
       register: tmux

     - name: install VIM
               name: vim
               state: present
       register: vim

     - name: send email
             host: "{{ global.mail_server }}"
             port: "{{ global.mail_port }}"
             subject: basic apps instalation was run by {{ ansible_user_id }}
             subtype: html
             # body: targeted server:  {{ ansible_hostname }} 
# stav MC - {{ mc.failed }} {{ mc.changed }}
# stav HTOP - {{ htop }}
# stav TMUX - {{ tmux }}
# stav VIM - {{ vim }} body: "{{ lookup('template', '/etc/ansible/templates/mail.j2') }}" from: adress to: adress run_once: true

simple Jinja template:

{% for host in play_hosts %}
{{ host }}: 
Midnight Commander
- is there anything wrong? {{ mc.failed }}
- any changes made? {{ mc.changed}}
- is there anything wrong? {{ htop.failed }}
- any changes made? {{ mc.changed}}

{% endfor %}

this is an output in my email:

Midnight Commander
- is there anything wrong? False
- any changes made? True
- is there anything wrong? False
- any changes made? True
Midnight Commander
- is there anything wrong? False
- any changes made? True
- is there anything wrong? False
- any changes made? True

but changes were made only on host1. If i make change at host2, there will be False everywhere. That means, variables registred from apt module are filled only from first host. What am i doing wrong here?

1 Answers1


I would be more sure about this, if I knew how exactly you are sending the emails. But I am assuming that you are doing it from host1.

The problem might be that you are not accessing the hostvars correctly in your email template.


{{ mc.failed }}

is effectively a shortcut for

{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].mc.failed }}

It depends on which host you are running it from.

Try this in the template (using your host variable from above):

{{ hostvars[host].mc.failed }}

The docs on this topic can be found here: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_variables.html#accessing-information-about-other-hosts-with-magic-variables