I have been using Ctrl+C on most terminals to easily cancel the line I was writing and open the way for a new line. (I'm not talking about killing a running bash script, but just opening a new blank line) For no reason I can think of, this functionality just got turned off on a remote shell opened by SSH.
Ctrl+C will work on most other cases (like killing a running script, exiting VIM insert mode) but will no longer skip the line and go to the next on in the regular shell.
This is a shell running on Amazon linux 2, but I never had this issue on other Amazon Linux 2 machines, so it's probably coming from something I did...
Any idea what might have happened and how I can fix it ?
In the meantime I'm stuck pressing the delete key, which despite putting key repeat time to the minimum, is still quite slow.
I connect to the terminal using SSH, and this is interesting : if I open a new shell inside my SSH terminal (using bash
) then CTRL+C works again !