
My site is under cloudflare and of course I am using free ssl from their side.

So, what what can I have sanctions on the site from the search engines while using free ssl?

Or what benefits will I have after dedicated ssl?


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2 Answers2


From a technical perspective some reasons to use the non-free options:

  • You may need to support truly ancient SSL/TLS implementations that still require that your domain is in the Common Name of the certificate and which won't support the Subject Alternative Name SSL/TLS extension that allows multiple domain names in a single certificate.

  • You might have sites such as store.uk.example.com that aren't matched with a wildcard *.example.com

Otherwise as far as I know what counts is that your site uses correctly configured TLS, not the price of certificate.

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If you want dedicated SSL/TLS certificates, use Let's Encrypt. Don't waste money on those certificates from Cloudflare or anyone else.

Unless you're a large corporation I don't think there are any benefits to paying for SSL/TLS certificates.

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