I've been fighting with my motherboard's manufacturer to get a TPM I bought from them to work. In UEFI/BIOS I can see the TPM and set its state to enabled, but in tpm.msc it just reads that no compatible TPM was found (see screenshot), and it does not appear in Windows Device Manager either.

tpm management panel showing no tpm found

Note that this alert is the exact same if you have the TPM installed or not

Device Manager

After RMA-ing the TPM and having the swapped unit still not work, I'm pretty confident that the issue is with Windows refusing to trust the TPM due to out of date or insecure firmware. The problem is, how can I be sure of this?

I've looked through Windows Event Viewer to try and find some event that shows that Windows sees the TPM, but doesn't accept it, but couldn't find anything.

Is there any way I can test this TPM against Windows and see that it isn't trusted?

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