I made a Powershell script which uses Powercli to create and delete snapshots on my two Esxi hosts, but for some reason the Cronjob isn't working. In the syslog I can see the following message:

(v6.1.0-preview.2:1:80) [Perftrack_ConsoleStartupStop:PowershellConsoleStartup.WinStop.Informational] PowerShell console is ready for user input

If I directly execute the scripts, they work without any issue. Here is the crontab:

\# m h  dom mon dow   command

\* \* \* \* \* /usr/local/bin/vsphere-influxdb-go
0 22 \* \* \* sudo cp -r /dockerdata/ /Storage/01\_Privat/02\_Tech/02\_Home\_Network/03\_Backup/01\_Docker/
0 22 \* \* \* /usr/local/bin/esx-1-create-new-snapshots.ps1
0 22 \* \* \* /usr/local/bin/esx-1-remove-snapshots-older-than-5-days.ps1
0 22 \* \* \* /usr/local/bin/esx-2-create-new-snapshots.ps1
0 22 \* \* \* /usr/local/bin/esx-2-remove-snapshots-older-than-5-days.ps1

Any ideas why this isn't working?

  • 1,060
  • 3
  • 10
  • 14
  • 29
  • 3

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