I'm compile modsec as described in the instructions contib/modsec/README, but have the next errors:

# /usr/local/bin/modsecurity -n 4 -d -f /etc/haproxy/waf/modsecurity.conf
1534409877.286475 [00] ModSecurity for nginx (STABLE)/2.9.2 (http://www.modsecurity.org/) configured.
1534409877.286555 [00] ModSecurity: APR compiled version="1.4.8"; loaded version="1.4.8"
1534409877.286577 [00] ModSecurity: PCRE compiled version="8.32 "; loaded version="8.32 2012-11-30"
1534409877.286593 [00] ModSecurity: YAJL compiled version="2.0.4"
1534409877.286610 [00] ModSecurity: LIBXML compiled version="2.9.1"
1534409877.286723 [00] ModSecurity: StatusEngine call: "2.9.2,nginx,1.4.8/1.4.8,8.32/8.32 2012-11-30,(null),2.9.1,4c3b0f175f079eaa4dd15b6eaef7a8207e809bb8"
1534409877.494433 [00] ModSecurity: StatusEngine call successfully sent. For more information visit: http://status.modsecurity.org/
1534409877.495333 [00] Worker 01 initialized
1534409877.495453 [01] Worker ready to process client messages
1534409877.495499 [00] Worker 02 initialized
1534409877.495514 [02] Worker ready to process client messages
1534409877.495767 [00] Worker 03 initialized
1534409877.495817 [03] Worker ready to process client messages
1534409877.495925 [00] Worker 04 initialized
1534409877.495958 [00] Server is ready [fragmentation=false - pipelining=false - async=false - debug=true - max-frame-size=16384]
1534409877.495961 [04] Worker ready to process client messages
1534409881.192419 [00] <1> New Client connection accepted and assigned to worker 01
1534409881.192511 [01] <1> read_frame_cb
1534409881.192596 [01] <1> New Frame of 129 bytes received
1534409881.192606 [01] <1> Decode HAProxy HELLO frame
1534409881.192613 [01] Failed to decode HELLO frame
1534409881.192617 [01] <1> Encode Agent DISCONNECT frame
1534409881.192626 [01] <1> Disconnect status code : 10
1534409881.192630 [01] <1> Disconnect message : fragmentation not supported
1534409881.192648 [01] <1> write_frame_cb
1534409881.192689 [01] <1> Frame of 58 bytes send
1534409881.192695 [01] <1> Release client
1534409882.497134 [01] 0 clients connected
1534409882.497174 [02] 0 clients connected
1534409882.497197 [04] 0 clients connected
1534409882.497185 [03] 0 clients connected
^C1534409885.480782 [00] Stopping the server

Has anyone encountered a similar one?

1 Answers1


Its been a while since this questions was posted. IMHO the error happens because of SPOP protocol.

SPOP v2 works with HAProxy 1.8.10 and newer.
SPOP v1 works with HAProxy up to 1.8.9.
Upgrade haproxy to 1.8.10 or higher

Hope it helps somebody.